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Augsburg-hosted spelling bee garners coverage on WCCO

WCCOThe Scripps Regional Spelling Bee organized and hosted by Augsburg College on March 15 was the focus of a WCCO news story. Mark Kivimaki, of Valley View Middle School in Edina, was the winner of the bee and will be sent by the College to Washington, D.C., to take part in the national competition. Watch “5 students set to represent Minnesota in national spelling be” and learn what word Kivimaki spelled to win the regional competition.

Valley View Middle School student wins Regional Spelling Bee

Spelling Bee ChampionMark Kivimaki, 12, of Valley View Middle School in Edina, was named champion of the 7-County Metro Area Regional Spelling Bee held March 15 at Hoversten Chapel at Augsburg College. He correctly spelled “thorium” and “serenity” to win the spelling bee. He is the son of Mary and Bruce Kivimaki.

Abraham Teuber, 13, of South St. Paul High School, won second place. He was eliminated during round 15 for misspelling “chaldron.” Teuber is the son of Becca and Tim Teuber. Continue reading “Valley View Middle School student wins Regional Spelling Bee”