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Augsburg recognized among top LGBT-friendly campuses in nation

TCDailyPlanetAugsburg College was recognized by Twin Cities Daily Planet for being named among the top 50 most LGBT-friendly campuses in the nation by 2014 CampusPride. Stephanie Weiss, news and media services director, told reporter Cirien Saadah that while Augsburg is grateful for such recognition, the credit belongs to students for leading boldly as individuals and groups. Read “Minnesota schools make ‘most LGBT-friendly” list.

Augsburg named among most LGBT-friendly colleges in U.S.

indexAugsburg College was named to Campus Pride’s 2014 list of the Top 50 LGBT-Friendly Colleges. Campus Pride, a nonprofit organization aimed at creating more LGBT-friendly colleges, compiled the list from schools that achieved the highest ratings in categories such as LGBT academic life, LGBT student life, LGBT housing, and more. The accolade was featured by The Washington Blade, The Huffington Post, and Advocate.

In 2013, Campus Pride awarded Augsburg College a perfect score of 5 out of 5 stars on its LGBT-Friendly Campus Climate Index.