What power can an individual have in a world of 6.5 billion people? Augsburg College encourages us all to consider the power of vision in a world of tension. The 2008-2009 convocation series offers an opportunity to hear today’s outstanding leaders and visionaries who engage us in conversations that contribute to making the world a safer place for future generations.
This is the ninth annual series incorporating long-standing endowed and special programs of Augsburg College. The first convocation of the year is the Bernhard M. Christensen Symposium with lectures on October 6 and 7. The speaker is Martha E. Stortz, author and professor of historical theology and ethics at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary/The Graduate Theological Union. Stortz will speak on “Costly Discipleship: Forgiveness as a Practice” and “Costly Citizenship: Regarding the Other in a Culture of Fear.” Continue reading “Christensen Symposium focuses on citizenship and discipleship”