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Theatre arts production explores stigma attached to mental illness

newspaperAn introduction to The Living Newspaper Project: Everyone has Something by Elle Thoni, Augsburg senior and the production’s assistant director


Have you been looking for the article about The Living Newspaper Project: Everyone Has Something, the theatre arts department’s upcoming main stage production? There isn’t one. Instead, we invite you to watch a student-made documentary about the original play, which was written and developed by Augsburg students. Why the departure from a traditional article? In many ways, The Living Newspaper Project is a departure from Augsburg’s typical approach to main stage productions. Not only was the play created by Auggies for Auggies; it was created using a wide variety of performance modes from live music to puppetry to video projections. There are plenty of surprises in store for audience members. Continue reading “Theatre arts production explores stigma attached to mental illness”