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Torstenson Lecture in Sociology features Garry Hesser

Garry Hesser
Augsburg professor Garry Hesser

Each year, Augsburg College honors the legacy of an individual who helped shape the College’s mission by hosting the Torstenson Lecture in Sociology, and—for the first time—the 2013 presentation will highlight the important work of a current Augsburg faculty member.

The Torstenson Lecture is an opportunity for a sociologist from the Twin Cities area to share with the Augsburg community the contemporary scholarship, research, and thinking on a sociological topic.

This year’s speaker, Garry Hesser, is the first Augsburg professor selected to be the Torstenson lecturer, and Hesser will present “Place Matters…So?” at 5 p.m., April 2 in Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center. Continue reading “Torstenson Lecture in Sociology features Garry Hesser”

Pribbenow receives experiential education award

City Service Day
Each fall incoming first-year and transfer students participate in City Service Day, an occasion through which the students volunteer at organizations matched to their degree programs and experientially learn in the neighborhoods that surround Augsburg’s Minneapolis campus.

Augsburg College’s commitment to experiential education was recognized for the third time in as many years on October 5 when the National Society for Experiential Education(NSEE) presented President Paul C. Pribbenow with the 2012 William M. Burke Presidential Award for Excellence in Experiential Education.

The award, presented by the NSEE and funded by The Washington Center for Academic Internships and Seminars, celebrates the dedication of a sitting college or university president who has made significant contributions to experiential education on campus and in the community. Continue reading “Pribbenow receives experiential education award”