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Augsburg's first Rhodes Scholar: Brian Krohn

rhodesCommunity Celebration

Celebrate and hear more about Brian’s accomplishments at a community-wide gathering on Thursday, Dec. 4 in the Oren Gateway Center Atrium. Refreshments will be served and a brief program will begin at 2:30 p.m.

Augsburg’s first Rhodes Scholar

Brian Krohn arrived at Augsburg with plans of being a film major. He eventually became a chemistry student. And when he graduates next month, Krohn will have a new title.

Augsburg’s first-ever Rhodes Scholar. Continue reading “Augsburg's first Rhodes Scholar: Brian Krohn”

A Double Celebration on Oct. 12

gatewayOn Friday afternoon, Oct. 12, a double celebration will take place — Augsburg will mark the successful completion of Access to Excellence: The Campaign for Augsburg College and formally dedicate the new Oren Gateway Center.

The celebration begins at 2 p.m. in Hoversten Chapel and includes Gospel Praise and recognition of campaign achievements and the campaign leaders.  A youth drill and dance team will lead a procession from the chapel to Oren Center for the formal dedication ceremony. Continue reading “A Double Celebration on Oct. 12”

Oren Gateway Center welcomes you

gate_movein_fullAfter planning and construction for more than three years, the Oren Gateway Center is receiving its finishing touches as students and staff begin to move in.

The Gateway Preview last Wednesday gave people on campus a first look at the spacious offices and trendy, industrial-looking finishes of a few of the residence hall rooms and apartments.

Students have already begun to move in, and all offices will be furnished and ready by Aug. 24. Nabo (the new café)—which garnered high praise on Wednesday for its gourmet sandwiches and cakes–opens this week. Continue reading “Oren Gateway Center welcomes you”