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A Thousand Miles for Reconciliation with Rome

pilgrimsEditor’s Note: Andrew and Sarah Wilson will be presenting about their pilgramage at Augsburg’s Founders’ Day celebrations, Nov. 10-11.

On the morning of August 22, 2010, Andrew and Sarah Wilson will depart from the Augustinian priory in Erfurt, Germany, taking the first steps of their thousand-mile pilgrimage to Rome. The Wilsons will follow roughly the same path Augustinian friar Martin Luther trod 500 years ago in 1510.

Augsburg religion professor, Hans Wiersma, will be among those sending the Wilsons off from Erfurt. Wiersma will walk with the couple as far as Coburg, Germany. After the close of their journey on October 31, the Wilsons will travel to Augsburg College to speak at the school’s annual Founders Day celebration in November. Continue reading “A Thousand Miles for Reconciliation with Rome”