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Star Tribune features skating coach Andy Ness ’01

Minneapolis Star TribuneThe Star Tribune recently published an article highlighting ice skating coach Diane Ness and her son, former Augsburg hockey player Andy Ness ’01, for their involvement with the Minnesota Wild. The article states that Diane and her company ProEdge Power were recently hired by the Wild as consultants, though some of the players have been training privately with the Nesses for years. The article quotes the Wild’s Chris Porter as saying, “They’re both incredible.”

The article states that Andy grew up surrounded by skating and hockey. “My babysitter growing up was the rink,” he said in the article. That background has paid off. Porter is quoted saying that Diane often tells the players to “‘Watch Andy,’ because he’s such a phenomenal skater.” Now, Andy spends the NHL season working with injured Wild players until they regain enough strength to practice and play with the team.

Read “Skating coaches Diane, Andy Ness push Wild, NHL stars to improve” on the Star Tribune website.

WEC families can skate with the Auggies on Feb. 9

skateOn Saturday, Feb. 9, Augsburg’s weekend college (WEC) Student Senate will be holding an event on campus for all WEC students and families called “WEC Winter Wonderland.”  The event includes prize drawings, reserved seating at the Auggie women’s hockey game, and free open skating following the game.

The event starts at 1 p.m. in the Christensen Center with snacks and prize drawings. It is a time for WEC students and families to get on campus, connect with others outside the classroom, and have some fun in the process.  All families are then encouraged to cheer on your Auggie women’s hockey team as they take on Concordia-Moorhead at 2:15 p.m. in the Augsburg Ice Arena.  Following the game, families are then invited to join the Auggie hockey players on the ice for some free skating time.     Continue reading “WEC families can skate with the Auggies on Feb. 9”