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Speaker event provides opportunity for community engagement, civic dialogue

Augsburg CampusAs an academic institution, Augsburg College seeks to provide students an open platform to learn, listen, and engage through civil dialogue on a wide range of topics and with speakers from many backgrounds.

Stanley Hubbard, the chairman of Hubbard Broadcasting, will speak to a sold-out event at Augsburg College at 5 p.m., November 13, in Sateren Auditorium.

The event is part of an ongoing executive speaker series that provides an open platform for students to hear about the vocational path of Minnesota executives and to have the chance to ask questions that sometimes are difficult or that may come at times that are difficult based upon current events or for other reasons. This series typically is open to alumni and the general public.

Hosting a speaker on campus is not an endorsement of a speaker’s comments or business practices. The November 13 event is a unique learning opportunity for our community to engage with a topic that is in the news right now and wrestle – first-hand – with very important ideas and issues relevant to today’s world. This topic has engaged people throughout the nation in talking about issues related to race, power, and ethics. It is a unique opportunity for our community to ask questions about the situation and to practice civil dialogue.

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