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Honoring the Family That Helped Her

Ann with Ilene and Luther's son, John Forde
Ann with Ilene and Luther’s son, John Forde

A serendipitous meeting nearly 35 years ago has led to a promising future for new generations of international students through the Forde Family Endowed Scholarship, which Ann Nagendran ’92 has established with an initial gift of $100,000 as part of Augsburg’s Great Returns campaign.

Ann was a medical student in Kandy, Sri Lanka in 1989, when her mother, Anula Lawrentz, traveled to the U.S. for Ann’s sister’s wedding and wound up spending six months in Minnesota. Not one to sit around and waste time while waiting to return home, Anula began volunteering, taking care of a terminally ill Sri Lankan woman who lived here. Ilene Forde was a volunteer with Meals on Wheels, so the two met often as food was delivered to the ill woman’s home. When she needed to go to the hospital, both volunteers were there to take her, and they got to chatting in the waiting room. Anula told Ilene about Ann’s studies as well as her own fervent wish to help her children escape their war-torn homeland and pursue their educations abroad.

Anula was back home when she received a letter from Ilene and her husband, Luther, offering to sponsor Ann in the U.S. The Fordes would handle all the documentation and help Ann get set up in a new home. They could also recommend a good college: Augsburg. 

“I was so excited! I was 24 when I came, and it was my first time out of the country as well,” says Ann. “I was nervous because I didn’t know the system at all, but it was a small college and manageable.”

Perhaps blessed with her mother’s energy and sense of purpose, Ann settled in, making friends, taking classes, and working 20 hours a week at various jobs, including in food service, at a deli, and as a phone operator. While earning her psychology degree, she also interned as a counselor, working with sexually abused teenagers and the mentally disabled.

Meanwhile, the Forde family—Ilene and Luther as well as their children, John, Jim, and Martha—stayed close, offering friendship as well as kindness and support.

“We had a wonderful relationship, always great,” Ann says, recounting how the two families eventually crossed oceans and continents to visit each other. “John especially was like my big brother, always there for me. He took me on my first camping trip, into the Black Hills, and to a hippie festival once. He showed me so much. Even simple stuff, like going to an Army surplus store for inexpensive clothes. I wore that sweater for years.”

Now married, the mother of three sons in their 20s, and living in New Jersey, Ann is busy running a laundromat and an Airbnb when she is not traveling or ballroom dancing. She has recently visited the Augsburg campus, where she was impressed by the new buildings as well as the growing diversity, religious and otherwise, of the student body. She also was thrilled to meet President Paul Pribbenow, whom she praised as “a down-to-earth gentleman.”

She has not forgotten what it meant to be a foreign student on an unfamiliar campus, and she wants her gift to help those who follow in her footsteps. At the same time, she wants to honor the Forde family that has meant so much to her. She stays in touch with John and his wife, Catherine, as well as Jim and his wife, Sandy. Ilene, Luther, and Martha have passed away.

“In hindsight, I wish I would have done this while they were alive. Just before my father passed away just a few years ago, he told me how important it is to make the people you are honoring aware of what you have done. Although I had always meant to donate, that had never occurred to me,” she says. “But it’s never too late. The Fordes opened doors for me, and I should do likewise for someone else.”  

Learn more about Augsburg’s Great Returns campaign.

Building Community in Athletics

Grace Eastman headshotGrace Eastman ’23 grew up in a small town north of the Twin Cities. Upon reflecting on her decision to attend Augsburg Grace shared, “Augsburg gave me the vibes of a small town in a big city setting. It was important to me to have small class sizes and actually know my professors.” Another driving factor was being able to play on the basketball team. In fact, pursuing an athletic career at Augsburg isn’t something new to Grace’s family. “My uncle Randy Eastman ’95 wrestled here in the ’90s,” she excitedly shared. 

Although she was excited to be recruited for basketball, she admitted she didn’t know too much about Augsburg before the Student Orientation and Registration (SOAR). “I had only toured a couple of times before then, so I was unsure of what it would be like. But it was great meeting all the people and realizing I would enjoy what Augsburg has to offer.”

Like many students, Grace’s Augsburg experience was possible in part due to the generosity of benefactors who support scholarship opportunities. Throughout the Great Returns campaign, donors have given to 150 endowed scholarships. “Without financial aid, I don’t think I would have been able to come here. It really took the stress of student loans off my back and helped me be a successful student all four years,” Grace said, who is graduating with a degree in finance. 

Grace also shared what being on the basketball team has meant to her and how it enriched her college experience. “We’re like our own little family,” she said. “Beginning college can be scary, it’s like starting over, but I didn’t feel that way because I had already met my coaches and teammates ahead of time. I felt like I already had friends that I could talk to and could go to my coaches if I needed anything.” Grace feels the tight-knit community and communication attributed to the team’s success.

Another contributing factor to success is found in the renovated women’s locker room. During Augsbrug’s Great Returns campaign, a significant initiative was updating the women’s locker room. Through the generosity of Patricia Piepenburg ’69, the renovated space was unveiled in October of 2022. “It’s definitely improved our experience and makes us feel valued as athletes. I used to think locker rooms were just for changing because that’s what it’s been like my whole life, but now that we have this new space, it became a place where we could build community. We’re able to hang out, watch TV, and create bonds after practice or games,” Grace said. 

This initiative was especially significant because it happened 50 years after the passage of Title IX. When thinking about the legacy of people like Patricia who came before her, Grace shared “It gives us a sense of pride to be part of something so historical, and motivates us to play because we understand and acknowledge the struggles women before us. When we won a championship last year it was the greatest feeling and I want to leave behind a legacy for future generations too.” As she thought about how philanthropy has life-changing effects, she shared, “Gifts like these send the message that students like me matter and drive me to be the best version of myself. It is a blessing to have peoples’ support.”

Learn more about Augsburg’s Great Returns efforts on our website

Continuing the Legacy Her Husband Left at Augsburg

Cathy WoldPastor Dave, as he was known throughout his three decades at Augsburg, was a larger-than-life presence whose legacy will continue to nurture and support future students through the Pastor Dave & Cathy Wold Endowed Scholarship.

Although he retired in 2013 and died unexpectedly in 2018 at age 72, the former campus pastor is still fondly remembered by many. He was famous for the jokes and puns he inserted into conversations and the enthusiasm he brought to his various campus pursuits, from presiding over daily chapel and weekly Eucharist services to coordinating Advent Vespers and announcing athletic events such as football, men’s basketball, and wrestling. He founded the Holy Hoops basketball league and led the “World Famous Bunch of Guys Chorus” in their performances around campus. Along with providing spiritual guidance, he built and cherished relationships with everyone he met, meanwhile developing a special connection with Augsburg itself.

“He was an encourager,” says his widow, Cathy, who has designated a $100,000 planned gift to establish the scholarship. “He believed in Augsburg so much. He was the campus pastor, but he immersed himself in everything there as much as possible. He tried to get to know every student—their name, something about them.”

Neither Dave nor Cathy were alumni. The two were childhood family friends who reconnected at Concordia College, where Cathy was earning her education degree and Dave was visiting with student groups as part of his ministry. A St. Olaf graduate, he had been ordained at Luther Seminary and was serving Calvary Lutheran Church in Golden Valley when they married in 1974. He became director of the Youth Ministries Division of the American Lutheran Church, but his national and international responsibilities required such extensive travel that the young family yearned for an opportunity closer to home. 

Dave was named Director of Campus Ministries at Augsburg in 1983. “He was elated. He just loved it,” Cathy recalls. Their three children also spent much of their time on campus as they were growing up. “Everybody loved Augsburg, and we still love it.”

As a teacher and specialist in early childhood family education for 16 years, Cathy shared Dave’s respect for and devotion to higher education. “He was a big believer in liberal arts, and this is a pretty special place. It’s unique, it’s in the city, and it offers programs that not every college has, such as those for students with special needs. It also draws a really diverse population of students who don’t necessarily have the means to go to college,” she says.

Because Dave spent thirty years getting to know students, providing programs to help them, and watching as they graduated and established successful lives, Cathy thinks he would be pleased with the family’s decision to create an endowed scholarship as part of Augsburg’s Great Returns campaign. It will support students who demonstrate financial need and, preferably, intend to live out their Christian vocations through serving others and building community. During this campaign, more than 150 benefactors have either started a new endowed scholarship or made a gift of $25,000 or more to an existing one.

“Dave positively impacted so many students, and I know that because so many of them have written letters to him over the years,” Cathy says. “I want to be able to have his memory live on at Augsburg in some way, and I believe this is the best way to do that.”

Learn more about Augsburg’s Great Returns campaign.

Creating Space for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

George Dierberger headshotMBA Director and Associate Professor George Dierberger holds the inaugural Thomas ’72 and Karen Howe Endowed Professorship for Entrepreneurship. His impressive career at Augsburg spans over a decade. After initially teaching night classes, he became a full-time faculty member in 2012. “I always felt that Augsburg was a premier university, a great brand that is making a difference in students’ lives. I love the communities that we serve, especially the first-generation students and students of color,” he shared. The ability to open doors and work with students who might not have a robust network like multi-generational students at other institutions makes Augsburg unique to George. “If you dig what we do, you’re making the most profound difference in the greatest number of student’s lives.”

George’s passion for innovative thinking and creative problem-solving is reflected in his work. Last year, he was selected as a Fulbright Scholar and spent the 2022 fall semester teaching in Ireland. “I was teaching as part of the Atlantic technological university system, which is in the western part of Ireland, there are eight locations from Letterkenny down to Galway,” George said. “We did a lot of research around entrepreneurs in Ireland and examined what motivates them.” One of George’s main focuses included implementing a statewide entrepreneurship cup. This opportunity allowed innovators to share their ideas and the top winners would receive an award.

“The Irish people as well as their government are very entrepreneurial,” George stated. In recent years, Dublin has become home to several international companies including Apple, Google, and PayPal. “The systems and processes they have in place to support entrepreneurship are what we’re trying to do with the Howe professorship,” he shared. Finding ways to embed similar support systems and opportunities into the Augsburg experience is in the foreground of George’s plans for the future. He’d love to find a way to provide opportunities for students to earn scholarships and monetary prizes through an Augsburg version of an entrepreneurial cup.

Currently, George teaches a leadership course in the MBA program and leads a 580 field study course. The 580 field study course works with entrepreneurs who need help developing a business plan and which the MBA students produce. 

When reflecting on being named the chair for the Howe professorship, George shared, “It’s really so humbling. The Howes’ generosity will inspire change, drive the innovative spirit within our students, and create opportunities for their future success.”

The scope of an endowed position extends beyond the area in which someone is appointed, it can touch many facets of university life and provide the chance for cross-collaboration. An example of this is George’s desire to partner with departments and programs across the campus. There is an opportunity for collaboration between the business and science departments through a new course that will be offered in the fall of 2023. “Our [the business department] proximity to the chemistry, biology, and physics departments provides so much opportunity to pull students in and create really great synergy.” This is another example of how the physical space of the Hagfors Center for Science, Business, and Religion is providing unique partnerships.

George’s hope is that someday every business professorship will be endowed by philanthropy. “If we get to this point, integral budgetary resources can be redeployed in strategic ways.” Having a strong endowment will enable Augsburg to thrive in the future and alleviate the financial barriers students face. To date, five endowed positions have been established during the Great Returns: We’re All In campaign totaling $10,012,050.00 in philanthropic support.

As a seasoned entrepreneur and business expert, George examines return on investment and key performance indicators as a way to measure success. “We have very tangible deliverables in place to demonstrate how the entrepreneurial spirit goes beyond my individual position. It’s important to demonstrate how philanthropic investments create long-lasting change.” For George, sustainable positions like the Howe professorship will only strengthen the resilience and success of Augsburg entrepreneurs. 


Repost from the News and Media page

Augsburg University announced today the creation of the John N. Schwartz ’67 School of the Arts, a destination arts hub for music, theater, and art and design. An estate gift from Augsburg alumnus John N. Schwartz ’67 will establish the school.

“With their power to connect, illuminate, break boundaries, and build relationships, the arts have been a vital part of Augsburg’s mission and community life for more than 150 years,” said University President Paul C. Pribbenow. “At a time when support for the arts in public life and education has become contingent and vulnerable, Augsburg is tremendously grateful for John Schwartz’s visionary leadership in establishing an institutional home for music, theater, and art for many future generations of students.”

The Schwartz School of the Arts will house Augsburg’s 12 undergraduate majors in the performing and visual arts, as well as the master of music therapy program. Students and faculty in the departments of theater, music, and art and design will have new and greater opportunities for interdisciplinary, collaborative work across disciplines, including with other areas of the university.

“We believe that a standalone arts school at a place like Augsburg—a university with deep commitments to access and equity, and one of the most diverse institutions in the upper Midwest—will send a strong message to potential students that the arts are for everyone. Your gifts are valued here,” said Paula O’Loughlin, provost and senior vice president for academic and student affairs.

The performing and visual arts at Augsburg have long reflected the university’s mission in the commitments to artistic excellence, intentional diversity, civic engagement, and social justice embodied in each discipline. The new school is a refinement to the university’s institutional structure following the change from Augsburg College to Augsburg University in 2017. It also aligns with Augsburg’s role as an anchor institution in the Cedar-Riverside community of Minneapolis.

“The Schwartz School of the Arts will be a key venue for Augsburg to explore with our neighbors and our students how to build and expand access to cultural assets,” said Pribbenow.

As an undergraduate, John Schwartz sang baritone in the Augsburg choir, igniting a love of choral music that persisted throughout his 40-year career as a healthcare executive in Milwaukee, Oregon, Montana, and Chicago.

“My experiences at Augsburg are a perfect example of how a well-rounded liberal arts education provides a pathway not just to a career but to a full and meaningful life,” said Schwartz. “Whether singing in a choral ensemble, performing in a theater production, or sculpting in the studio, the arts provide opportunities to grow and connect that don’t exist anywhere else. With this new school, Augsburg is clearly stating that the performing and visual arts are central to our mission.”

A current member of Augsburg’s Board of Regents, Schwartz has long supported Augsburg music students. His previous gifts to the university established the Leland B. Sateren ’35 professorship and chair of music, the John N. Schwartz professor of choral leadership and conducting, and the John N. Schwartz and James A. Mosley scholarship.

The Schwartz School of the Arts is one of a number of transformational outcomes of Augsburg’s ongoing Great Returns: We’re All In comprehensive fundraising campaign. With a goal to raise $125 million, it is the largest such campaign in Augsburg history.

About Augsburg

Augsburg University offers more than 50 undergraduate majors and 11 graduate degrees to approximately 3,200 students of diverse backgrounds at its campus in the vibrant center of the Twin Cities and nearby Rochester, Minnesota, location. Augsburg educates students to be informed citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible leaders. An Augsburg education is defined by excellence in the liberal arts and professional studies, guided by the faith and values of the Lutheran church, and shaped by its urban and global settings. To learn more, visit

Resiliency in Recovery

A headshot of Shelby Waldon.Shelby Waldon ’25 decided to attend Augsburg, in large part, due to the StepUP® Program. “I was deciding between Augsburg and St. Cloud, but I liked that Augsburg was closer to home and it’s a smaller school,” she said. Having grown up just outside of the cities, Shelby was excited to spend more time in the Twin Cities. 

The StepUP Program supports students in recovery who are pursuing their undergraduate and graduate degrees. This hallmark program began 25 years ago at Augsburg and is one of the nation’s first and premiere collegiate recovery-based programs in the United States. This year, there are 42 students who are currently enrolled in the program with 29 living on campus in a substance-free residence hall.

Shelby is a sophomore pursuing a degree in social work. “I’m also looking into psychology,” she shared. “I’d like to work with younger kids who are struggling with substance abuse issues, so getting my LADC [Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor] is a goal of mine and I can really do that with either major.”

When it comes to staying focused on schoolwork and sobriety, StepUP has been a big help to Shelby. “Being in StepUP has made it easier to focus on school because I don’t have to worry about coming home and dealing with being around substances. I know that if I have a hard day in class, I can come back and be surrounded by other sober people,” Shelby said, who has developed close friendships with other StepUP students. “We like to just hang out in our communal living room and talk or go out to eat together, we also have a game night each week which is fun!”

In addition to the academic and community support, Shelby shared other helpful resources she has received and service opportunities she has had. “I remember going around to different high schools and talking to students about what it’s like being a young person in recovery,” she recalled. “These opportunities have been really helpful for me and pushed me outside of my comfort zone.” 

This year, Shelby is one of four recipients of the Doran Family Scholarship. “I’m so grateful for this scholarship,” Shelby said. “I was worried about how I was going to pay for last semester and this scholarship made my education possible. Not having to stress about tuition has been so helpful.”

Philanthropic efforts are critical to the success of StepUP. In fact, during Augsburg’s historical Great Returns: We’re All In campaign, more than $10 million has been raised toward StepUP’s endowment. In May, StepUP will be celebrating the program’s 25-year anniversary during its gala on May 13 at the Radisson Blu-Mall of America. This event aims to recognize the accomplishments of the students, staff, and alumni of the program and secure support for the future. “I went to the 2022 StepUP Gala for the first time last year, and it was a really beautiful experience,” Shelby reflected. “It’s really nice that donors are able to see what comes out of their donations. They are supporting us in more ways than they know.”

Purchase tickets for the StepUP Gala by April 14. To learn more about the StepUP program, visit our website.