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President Pribbenow Speaks in China

President Paul Pribbenow delivers the second of two inaugural lectures by MPCC presidents at the MPCC/UIC Presidential Lecture Series. Seated behind him is Hong Kong Baptist university president and vice chancellor C. F. Ng, who also delivered an address

On Tuesday, Nov. 6, President Pribbenow delivered a lecture, “Joining a College: Liberal Arts as Civic Education,” at United International College (UIC) in Zhuhai, China. He traveled to China with College of St. Scholastica president Larry Goodwin and Minnesota Private College Council (MPCC) president David Laird. The purpose of this MPCC-sponsored visit was to attend and speak at the inaugural MPCC/UIC Presidential Lecture Series.

Hosting the MPCC group in Zhuhai was Edmund Kwok, UIC vice chancellor, and Hong Kong Baptist University president and vice chancellor C. F. Ng, who also delivered an address. Last year, an educational partnership was launched between MPCC and UIC, the first fully-sanctioned liberal arts college to be created in China in more than 50 years. UIC itself is a partnership between Beijing Normal University and Hong Kong Baptist University.

The UIC partnership offers opportunities for Augsburg student, staff, and faculty exchanges, and provides a unique experience in learning about China from the perspectives of the liberal arts. Already in the past several months, Augsburg has hosted visits from Kwok and a group of students who spent time on four MPCC campuses to experience American culture.

To learn more about President Pribbenow’s visit to China, go to

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