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Augsburg named to President's Honor Roll for community service

honors_listFor the second year in a row, Augsburg was named to the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll with Distinction. This Honor Roll recognizes institutions of higher education that support innovative, effective and exemplary community service programs.

Factors considered include the scope and innovation of service projects, the percentage of student who participate and the extent to which service-learning courses are offered.

Of the 528 colleges named, Augsburg was among 127 that were specially honored “with distinction.” In addition, nine colleges received special awards for extraordinary service and special achievement.

At Augsburg, for example, even before starting classes, all first-year students participate in City Service Projects Day. In September, more than 400 students volunteered 1,340 hours at varied locations in the College’s neighborhood and in the city on that day.

Another example is the Campus Kitchen at Augsburg, in which student-led teams transform surplus food into meals that are delivered and served at neighborhood centers. Each year roughly 18,000 meals are served in partnership with 10 community agencies, as students give more than 5,000 volunteer hours.

“Americans rely on our higher education system to prepare students for citizenship in the workforce,” said Margaret Spelling, U.S. secretary of education. “We look to institutions like these to provide leadership in partnering with local schools to shape the civic, democratic, and economic future of our country.”

The Honor Roll is sponsored jointly by the Corporation for National and Community Service, the Department of Education, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, USA Freedom Corps, Campus Compact and the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation.

For more information on Augsburg’s community service and service-learning programs, go to the Center for Service, Work, and Learning at

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