The week of Feb. 25 is Eating Disorders Awareness Week, and there will be several events at Augsburg to get people thinking about how society’s notions of body image can open the door to unhealthy behaviors.
To kick off the week, two Augsburg alumni, Tessa Flynn and Tim McVean, will present “Wrapped in Plastic” on Monday, Feb. 25 from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the East Commons. This encore presentation from the Minnesota Fringe Festival makes an honest and surreal exploration of body image. The show follows Drea, a 17 year old who thinks everyone is looking at her when a Faustian “image consultant” tempts Drea with pop-culture gloss. A question and answer session will run after the show from 8:30 – 9 p.m.
Earlier that day, a table will be set up from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. in the Christensen Center where you can “Make Peace with Your Mirror.” At this table, you’ll be able to send a free “You’re Beautiful on the Inside” card to a friend and get information on body image and eating disorders.
Other events during the week include a potluck lunch from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 27 at the Women’s Resource Center on the topic of “Media and Body Image.” On Friday, Feb. 29, the “Freedom Friday” table will be set up from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., where you can enjoy some dark chocolate, sign a body peace treaty with yourself, and learn about why diets generally don’t work. Lastly, on Tuesday, March 4, watch a video of “Do I Look Fat” during the Soup & Sexuality lunch series from noon – 1 p.m. and participate in a discussion of body image in the LGBTQIA community.
For more information on any of these events, contact the Counseling & Health Promotion office at 612-330-1707. The Wrapped in Plastic Production is possible through generous financial support from Parent and Alumni Relations, the Augsburg Theatre Department, Counseling & Health Promotion and the Women’s Resource Center.