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Make peace with your body

bodyThe week of Feb. 25 is Eating Disorders Awareness Week, and there will be several events at Augsburg to get people thinking about how society’s notions of body image can open the door to unhealthy behaviors.

To kick off the week, two Augsburg alumni, Tessa Flynn and Tim McVean, will present “Wrapped in Plastic” on Monday, Feb. 25 from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the East Commons. This encore presentation from the Minnesota Fringe Festival makes an honest and surreal exploration of body image. The show follows Drea, a 17 year old who thinks everyone is looking at her when a Faustian “image consultant” tempts Drea with pop-culture gloss. A question and answer session will run after the show from 8:30 – 9 p.m. Continue reading “Make peace with your body”

Explore the universe from the East Commons

planetariumJoel Halvorson of the Minnesota Planetarium Society will be on campus Tuesday, Feb. 19 demonstrating the ExploraDome — an 18′-diameter, 13′-tall portable dome featuring high quality, interactive, visual programs for the sciences and science education.

The ExploraDome will be set up in the East Commons of the Christensen Center and available for viewing on Feb. 19 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Students, faculty, and staff are invited to drop by and see how the dome can help promote science education as well as enjoy exciting imagery of the cosmos. The dome can accommodate 25-30 students at any one time.

The Minnesota Planetarium Society is dedicated to improving math and science education, and is constructing the Minnesota Planetarium and Space Discovery Center on top of the new Minneapolis Central Library.