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Focus the Nation at Augsburg: focus on clean energy

focusthenationFocus the Nation is a clean energy workshop and panel held to educate students, staff, and faculty about local and national energy issues. Augsburg’s event will include four workshops to show the community how they can get involved with clean energy initiatives even on a small scale and a panel discussion.

Workshop I, 12:30-1:30

POWER CYCLING: Building a Bike-Powered Generator, Student Lounge; Led by David Murr, Physics

MAKING FOOD MEANINGFUL: Local Food and Farmers’ Markets, Marshall Room; Led by Brian Noy, Campus Kitchens


Workshop II, 1:45-2:45

TURNING WASTE INTO FUEL: The ACTC Biodiesel Initiative, Century Room; Led by Joe Underhill, Political Science and Environmental Studies, with Clayton McNeff ’90 of Ever Cat Fuels

NATURE AND JUSTICE: Increasing Diversity in the Environmental Movement, Marshall Room; Led by Lars Christiansen and Nancy Fischer, Sociology


Panel Discussion, Hoversten Chapel, 3-4:30

Opening by Chris Szaj, Vice President of Augsburg College

Yvonne Prettner Solon, Minnesota Lieutenant Governor

Steve Mudd, manager of Xcel’s Windsource program

Greg Palmer, Energy Innovation Corridor

Clayton McNeff, Ever Cat Fuels

Michael Lansing, Augsburg history professor and member of Augsburg’s” Green by 2019″ task force

Dennis Stuckey, Augsburg College maintenance manager


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