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Focus the Nation at Augsburg: focus on clean energy

focusthenationFocus the Nation is a clean energy workshop and panel held to educate students, staff, and faculty about local and national energy issues. Augsburg’s event will include four workshops to show the community how they can get involved with clean energy initiatives even on a small scale and a panel discussion.

Workshop I, 12:30-1:30

POWER CYCLING: Building a Bike-Powered Generator, Student Lounge; Led by David Murr, Physics

MAKING FOOD MEANINGFUL: Local Food and Farmers’ Markets, Marshall Room; Led by Brian Noy, Campus Kitchens Continue reading “Focus the Nation at Augsburg: focus on clean energy”

Focus the Nation on Jan. 31

focusAugsburg will host a teach-in on Jan. 31, targeting a single issue — global warming solutions — as part of a national effort sponsored by Focus the Nation. Across the country, more than 1,000 colleges, high schools, civic organizations and businesses will create a day of brainstorming and engagement in discussions concerning responses to environmental challenges. Focus the Nation identifies a clear goal: “Our intent is to move America beyond fatalism to a determination to face up to this civilizational challenge, the challenge of our generation.” Their hope is “to launch a discussion far-reaching enough to change the future.”

The teach-in schedule lines up with the daily class schedule, so that professors can take their classes to the presentations. Faculty, staff, and students from more than 20 departments will engage their audiences in a myriad of issues and perspectives. A panel of alumni, “Auggie alums and the Environment,” will also network with the campus community during lunch. All sessions are open to the public. Continue reading “Focus the Nation on Jan. 31”

Focus the Nation Teach-in Jan. 31

focusAugsburg College will host a Teach-In on Jan. 31, 2008 targeting a single issue — global warming solutions — as part of a national effort sponsored by Focus the Nation. The primary goal of “Focus the Nation: Augsburg College is to educate the Augsburg community about individual action and build momentum for permanent environmentally conscious practices and institutional actions. These actions include sustainable energy, zero-waste management systems, consumption awareness, and following the President’s Climate Commitment.

Focus the Nation is a national organization that is pushing for global warming solutions in the United States. As their web site says, “In the next few years, we as a nation will make, or fail to make, critical decisions regarding global warming pollution and clean technology investments. These decisions will have far-reaching and irreversible impacts on the lives of today’s students and the lives of their children. At this moment in time, we owe our young people at least a day of focused discussion about global warming solutions for America. Continue reading “Focus the Nation Teach-in Jan. 31”