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Focus the Nation at Augsburg: focus on clean energy

focusthenationFocus the Nation is a clean energy workshop and panel held to educate students, staff, and faculty about local and national energy issues. Augsburg’s event will include four workshops to show the community how they can get involved with clean energy initiatives even on a small scale and a panel discussion.

Workshop I, 12:30-1:30

POWER CYCLING: Building a Bike-Powered Generator, Student Lounge; Led by David Murr, Physics

MAKING FOOD MEANINGFUL: Local Food and Farmers’ Markets, Marshall Room; Led by Brian Noy, Campus Kitchens Continue reading “Focus the Nation at Augsburg: focus on clean energy”

350 — the most important number in the world

Aug350There are three numbers you need to really understand global warming, 275, 390, and 350.

For all of human history until about 200 years ago, our atmosphere contained 275 parts per million of carbon dioxide. Parts per million is simply a way of measuring the concentration of different gases, and means the ratio of the number of carbon dioxide molecules per million other molecules in the atmosphere. 275 ppm CO2 is a useful amount without some CO2 and other greenhouse gases that trap heat in our atmosphere, our planet would be too cold for humans to inhabit. Continue reading “350 — the most important number in the world”