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Faculty retirements: Nora Braun

BraunAs part of our continuing series on faculty retirements, we share answers to our questions about the experiences of Nora Braun.

In which departments/programs did you teach?

I taught in the Business Administration department doing MIS (Management Information Systems) courses in the day and weekend undergraduate programs. I also taught in the MBA program.

How many years have you taught at Augsburg?

14 years

Tell us about a student who made an impression on you.

Adekemi Adenle (Kemi) was an MIS major from Nigeria who struggled to complete all her coursework, yet she never gave up. She met with me weekly between class sessions for individual tutoring during our capstone series of courses and reworked assignments as she endeavored to understand MIS concepts and techniques. Her efforts and persistence were amazing; she was determined to complete her MIS degree. But that wasn’t enough. Kemi was also determined to go on to graduate school. She researched graduate programs in information technology, consulted often with me, did everything possible to improve her GPA, and was accepted into a graduate program. Watching Kemi’s progress and her growth into a stronger, more confident student who reached her goal was wonderful and very gratifying.

Is there a great classroom experience that you remember? What happened?

My favorite classroom experience is the last class of MIS 476 for our majors. The entire class revolves around student groups working with a small business or nonprofit to develop a database application for the organization to use. Most of these organizations do not have computer systems and manage their business by hand or using excel. The students begin the course by working with their project sponsor to assess their needs, and by the end of the course have developed a working database for the organization. To see the pride of the students as they present their applications and the excitement of the project sponsors as they see the final product is the most gratifying moment for me and I believe for our MIS majors.

What have your students taught you?

My students have reinforced my belief that there is always more to learn and together we can make a difference.

What are you planning to do in your retirement?

My husband and I are moving “home” to Columbia, Missouri—the place we left in 1979 when we moved to Minnesota! I plan to enjoy being near my mother, brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, etc. and still have time to return to Minnesota to see my daughter and grandchildren. In the short term, unpacking and decorating our new home along with helping to orchestrate an October wedding in Seattle for my oldest daughter will keep me busy, but eventually I plan to write and do some volunteer work. With the number of colleges in and around Columbia, I may eventually do some adjunct teaching, but they could never replace Augsburg!

Is there anything else you want to share with our readers?

You’ll never grow old as long as your mind is active!


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