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Faculty retirements: Nora Braun

BraunAs part of our continuing series on faculty retirements, we share answers to our questions about the experiences of Nora Braun.

In which departments/programs did you teach?

I taught in the Business Administration department doing MIS (Management Information Systems) courses in the day and weekend undergraduate programs. I also taught in the MBA program.

How many years have you taught at Augsburg?

14 years

Tell us about a student who made an impression on you.

Adekemi Adenle (Kemi) was an MIS major from Nigeria who struggled to complete all her coursework, yet she never gave up. She met with me weekly between class sessions for individual tutoring during our capstone series of courses and reworked assignments as she endeavored to understand MIS concepts and techniques. Continue reading “Faculty retirements: Nora Braun”

Faculty retirements: Dan Hanson

hansonAs part of our continuing series on faculty retirements, we share answers to our questions about the experiences of Dan Hanson.

In which departments/programs did you teach?

I taught in the Communication Studies Department and in the Masters of Arts in Leadership program.

How many years have you taught at Augsburg?

I started teaching as an adjunct in 1998 and a full time faculty member in 2000.

Tell us about a student who made an impression.

This is difficult to answer, since I have been impressed by so many students. Continue reading “Faculty retirements: Dan Hanson”

Faculty retirements: Lynne Lorenzen

lorenzenAs part of our continuing series on faculty retirements, Lynne Lorenzen shares her experiences and plans for the future.

My name is Lynne Lorenzen, and I retired from Augsburg College after teaching here for one year part-time and twenty-two years full time. Over these years I have taught many classes in the religion department including introductory courses in theology and Bible, plus upper division courses in religion and politics with Andy Aoki and feminism and Christianity in the Women’s Studies program. I also chaired the religion department for six years and was director of the women’s studies program for three years. Continue reading “Faculty retirements: Lynne Lorenzen”

Faculty retirements: Bruce Reichenbach

reichenbachThe spring semester has ended and many faculty are doing summer work, focusing on scholarship, simply enjoying their time away from the classroom, or perhaps a combination of these activities. Here we share answers to our questions about the experiences of Bruce Reichenbach, one of the Augsburg faculty members who retired this year. Reichenbach is pictured here with students from United International College in Zhuhai, China, where he taught for a semester in fall 2009. Continue reading “Faculty retirements: Bruce Reichenbach”

Erickson and Sutherland to join emeriti ranks

erickson sutherlandPhysics professor Ken Erickson and computer science professor Karen Sutherland are Augsburg’s two newest faculty emeriti, as approved by the Board of Regents at their meeting on May 2. Sutherland retires on May 31; Erickson will retire at the end of August.

Both professors have been lauded for their mentoring and support to students that has characterized their teaching careers. This year, Erickson was honored with the 2008 Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Learning award for mentoring and advising.

Erickson, who graduated from Augsburg in 1962, returned to Augsburg full time in 1999, and for 25 years he held a shared professorship with the University of Minnesota, working with physics and astronomy faculty in grant-funded research. At both institutions he involved many of his students in grant-funded research. He also has served as both department chair and chair of what was then the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Continue reading “Erickson and Sutherland to join emeriti ranks”