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Auggies are everywhere

intl_auggies1Since the College’s early days, Augsburg has been welcoming students from around the world to live and learn. Some come for a semester or one year, such as the students from our International Partners schools in Norway, Finland, and Germany. Many other international Auggies come to complete their degrees here after hearing about Augsburg through recruiters who travel to their cities and through friends or family members who have studied here.

Even before they arrive in the fall, new international students work closely with Jim Trelstad-Porter, international student advisor, to ensure that they have completed all of the necessary steps to studying in the U.S. International students have a special orientation following their arrival and before Auggie Days begins. At this orientation they tour campus and the nearby neighborhoods, meet with staff in many departments including public safety and the library, and also have dinner, often hosted in the homes of faculty, staff, and other students.

This year Augsburg welcomes more than 60 new students, including first-year students and transfers, from Norway, China, Belgium, Malaysia, Turkey, Vietnam, Palestine, South Korea, Yemen, Bahrain, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, India, Sweden, Thailand, Nigeria, Uganda, and Canada. Welcome! We are glad you’re here.

intl_auggies2Read more about international Auggies in the Summer 2011 issue of the Augsburg Now magazine.

Photo (top) submitted by Regina McGoff: Anh Nguyen Pham (Vietnam), Marie-Aimee Ishimwe (Belgium), and Odin Akselberg (Norway)

Photo (bottom) submitted by Erika McCreedy: Kathrine Stav, Pauline Soevik, and Joar Kristiansen (all Norway)

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