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ELCA scholarship recipient Sarah Abendanon is interviewed by
The Lutheran

The LutheranAugsburg College student and Suriname citizen Sarah Abendanon was interviewed for an article in The Lutheran, the magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The story detailed a scholarship program for women leaders from the “global south,” which is comprised of Africa, Central and Latin America, and most of Asia.

Noticing a lack educational access for women in these areas, the ELCA Churchwide Assembly voted in 2013 to raise $4 million over a five-year period in order to provide scholarships for 200 women.

“My religion professor asks what we think about our readings and encourages different points of view. In Suriname schools, what the teacher says goes,” Abendanon explained.

As far as the outdoor climate, Abendanon has prepared for winter by purchasing a large winter coat. “Bring it on!” she said in the article.

Read: Women of purpose – ELCA scholarships prepare emerging leaders from the ‘global south’ on The Lutheran site.

Auggies are everywhere

intl_auggies1Since the College’s early days, Augsburg has been welcoming students from around the world to live and learn. Some come for a semester or one year, such as the students from our International Partners schools in Norway, Finland, and Germany. Many other international Auggies come to complete their degrees here after hearing about Augsburg through recruiters who travel to their cities and through friends or family members who have studied here.

Even before they arrive in the fall, new international students work closely with Jim Trelstad-Porter, international student advisor, to ensure that they have completed all of the necessary steps to studying in the U.S. Continue reading “Auggies are everywhere”