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Augsburg College Campus a Top Spot for Fall Colors

PioneerPressThe Pioneer Press provided a round up of top spots in the Twin Cities area to take in the fall colors. The row of Maple trees on the south side of the Lindell Library made the list. To learn of other places to see peak fall colors from Oct. 5-21, read “Fall colors in the Twin Cities: where to find them.”

Secretary of State Candidates Debate at Augsburg on Oct. 28

The Uptake wrote about “17 Debates that Could Determine Minnesota’s Future” in a recent online article. The Augsburg College-hosted debate between two candidates for position of Minnesota Secretary of State was among the featured debates. Bob Helland, Bob Odden, Dan Severson and State Rep. Steve Simon will square off at 7 p.m., Oct. 28. The event is sponsored by the Minnesota League of Women Voters. Read more on The Uptake website.

Information about the debate also was shared by Minnesota Public Radio. Read the blog entry “Debates!”

Bill Nye ‘The Science Guy’ speaks at Augsburg on Valentine’s Day

Bill Nye the Science Guy speaks at Augsburg College on Valentine's DayBill Nye “The Science Guy” will share his love for science when he speaks February 14 at Augsburg College’s Scholarship Weekend in an address that is open to the general public. Nye, who will talk about “How Science Can Save the World,” will speak with academic depth and humor about planetary science, climate change, evolution, environmental awareness, and more.

“We’re excited to host Bill Nye during our Scholarship Weekend when bright students from across the United States visit campus to compete for our top academic scholarships,” said Augsburg College President Paul Pribbenow. “We want to give these scholarly, prospective Auggies the chance to grapple with some of the world’s deepest questions so they can experience what Auggies are called to do each and every day.” Continue reading “Bill Nye ‘The Science Guy’ speaks at Augsburg on Valentine’s Day”

Cedar Cultural Center, Augsburg kick off Midnimo on Sept. 15

MidnimoThe Cedar Cultural Center, in partnership with Augsburg College, on Sept. 15 kicks off “Midnimo: Music for Unity, Campus and Community,” a two-year project to build cross-cultural awareness, knowledge, and understanding of Somali culture through music.

Midnimo during this academic year will bring six artists or groups to Minnesota for week-long residency programs that include classroom activities and culminate with a public concert. The schedule includes: