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Auggies advocate for private education support at the Capitol

auggiesatcapitol2Whether they are learning about lobbying, speaking to a committee, or presenting their research, Auggies in many disciplines are making time to talk to lawmakers about issues and policies that affect students. By telling their stories to advocate for support for Minnesota’s private colleges and for programs that make a private college education possible for students, Augsburg students are living the College’s mission to be engaged citizens.

This spring, the Minnesota Private College Council (MPCC) and Augsburg Day Student Government will provide an opportunity for Auggies to engage with legislators at Augsburg Day at the Capitol. And at events held earlier this year, Ben Yawakie ’13, Charlie Olson ’13, and Rosie Benser ’13 talked with legislators about the value of their experiences at Augsburg. Continue reading “Auggies advocate for private education support at the Capitol”

Augsburg College TRIO McNair Scholars present research at UC Berkeley

McNair_BerkeleyNearly a dozen Augsburg College McNair Scholars presented their summer research findings at the University of California, Berkeley’s 20th Annual McNair Scholars Symposium, held August 2-5. The symposium hosted students from colleges and universities across the United States.

Augsburg students during summer 2012 spent an average of 400 hours exploring their topics, developing theses, collecting and reviewing data, and preparing formal paper presentations.

Scholars were paired with a faculty mentor in their discipline to gain extensive skills and knowledge, learn research methods, and practice writing and public speaking. Continue reading “Augsburg College TRIO McNair Scholars present research at UC Berkeley”