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Festival of the Commons slated October 7-8 at Augsburg College

thecommonsEvery day we use and benefit from resources we all share—elements of “the commons” such as water, land, technology, public parks, and even culture. How society creates, uses, and manages the commons will be the theme of The Festival of the Commons, held October 7-8 at Augsburg College.

Elinor Ostrom, the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize in Economics, will be the keynote speaker. This professor of political science at Indiana University won the 2009 Nobel for research that demonstrates the worldwide importance of the commons.

She found that—counter to conventional wisdom—people could collaborate to use and manage natural resources, intellectual property, and other shared resources. Her work runs counter to current ideas about common property management, regulation, and privatization. Continue reading “Festival of the Commons slated October 7-8 at Augsburg College”

What is the commons?

thecommonsThis week Augsburg will host the Festival of the Commons featuring Nobel Laureate Elinor Ostrom on “Constructing Common Property Regimes.”

What is the Commons (Really)?

It’s an old idea—the chief organizing principle for human society for most of history—that’s now being rediscovered and reinvigorated all around the world.

The commons means things and practices—often created, governed, and sustained by communities themselves—that people share among themselves and protect for future generations. Continue reading “What is the commons?”