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Eric J. Jolly, president of Science Museum of Minnesota, to keynote Creating an Inclusive Campus conference

Exploring ways to foster student engagement, capacity, and continuity are the themes of a keynote presentation that will be delivered by Eric J. Jolly, president of the Science Museum of Minnesota, at the Creating an Inclusive Campus conference scheduled May 22-23. All faculty, staff, and students are encouraged and invited to participate in the program, which is designed to create opportunities for the community to co-create an inclusive campus.

Jolly, who serves on the College’s Board of Regents, will discuss the need for educating and equipping students to succeed in a workplace that is increasingly competitive and diverse in order to ensure national economic prosperity. To learn more about Jolly’s presentation and the concepts of “Engagement, Capacity and Continuity: A Trilogy of Student Success,” download a PDF description. Continue reading “Eric J. Jolly, president of Science Museum of Minnesota, to keynote Creating an Inclusive Campus conference”

June commencement highlights science

june_commencementOn Sunday, June 28, undergraduate and graduate students from Minneapolis and Rochester will celebrate their graduation from Augsburg College. For a complete listing of events, go to

As in the May commencement ceremony, both the featured speaker and honorary degree recipient are well known for their distinguished careers related to science and education.

Augsburg is honored to welcome Eric J. Jolly, PhD, president of the Science Museum of Minnesota, as the June commencement speaker. Jolly is a member of the Augsburg College Board of Regents and is recognized for his commitment to science and mathematics education, striving to educate young people as the future workforce and to create an informed citizenry that engages science in public policy issues. Continue reading “June commencement highlights science”