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Alternative spring break—homelessness and hunger

alt_spring_breakMarie Sager has different spring break plans than most Auggies. Instead of heading home for the week or taking a trip to a sunny beach, Sager will spend her time in Minneapolis participating in Augsburg’s third annual “Minneapolis Alternative Spring Break.”

But even this has changed for 2009.

“In the past, it was more of a chance to get to know Minneapolis,” Sager said. “This is the first year we have a theme.”

The theme this year is “Homelessness and Hunger,” and from March 16-18, participants can take part in one or all of the free events, including volunteer work, a dinner out and trip to the Science Museum of Minnesota, or even a tour of Simpson House. Alternative Spring Break is sponsored by the Center for Service, Work, and Learning, Campus Ministry, and LINK. Continue reading “Alternative spring break—homelessness and hunger”

No summer break for hunger

ck_bikeDespite having fewer students on campus during the spring and summer months, work for the Campus Kitchen Project continues. Nearly 2,000 meals are served monthly to help meet the hunger need in the surrounding community. There are several challenges and opportunities that the program faces during this time. Solutions to these challenges include using pedal power and utilizing donated regionally grown produce. Continue reading “No summer break for hunger”