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Coming to "The Table"

the_tableThis week one of Augsburg’s neighbors, St. Martin’s Table, celebrates 25 years of serving the community. From the beginning, Augsburg faculty, staff, and students have been involved with “The Table,” and it continues to be a favorite lunch and meeting spot for the campus community.

St. Martin’s Table was started in 1984 as the first visible outward ministry of the Community of St. Martin, a worship community that meets now in the Trinity Lutheran Congregation space at the corner of Riverside and 22nd Avenues. Continue reading “Coming to "The Table"”

Holiday shopping around Augsburg

shops2Looking for a unique holiday gift without having to deal with the long lines and crowded parking lots of a mall? Do you want your dollar to support locally owned, small businesses? Have you considered hand-made or organic gifts that not only “wow” your loved one but also help Third World artists make a living?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, have you shopped in the neighborhood recently? Within blocks of Augsburg’s campus you can find several stores filled with unique and affordable gifts, perfect for family or friends. Continue reading “Holiday shopping around Augsburg”