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Chapel chair upholstery project woven into local economy

Tonya DuRoche, owner of All About Upholstery
Tonya DuRoche lives in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, employs local workers, and sources nearly all her materials from local vendors.

At first glance, the choice to refurbish the chairs in Hoversten Chapel is just good financial management. The move to refresh versus replace the chairs saved the College more than $40,000.

But that’s only the surface of the decision.

What really went on gets to the heart of what it means to be a good steward. It makes exceptional what could be written off as a one-dimensional, mundane decision. It is a concrete example of how the College can live out its mission to be an engaged member of the community, a thoughtful steward, and a responsible leader. Continue reading “Chapel chair upholstery project woven into local economy”

Las Posadas reenacts journey of Mary and Joseph

lasposadasOn Friday, Dec. 9, Augsburg will celebrate “Las Posadas” during chapel. All are welcome to attend this festive event.

Las Posadas is a procession reenacting the journey of Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem in their search for lodging (posada), awaiting the birth of baby Jesus. It is cultural tradition in many Spanish-speaking communities around the world.

According to an article on Mexican arts and culture, in traditional Las Posadas celebrations, a party is held each night for nine days in a neighborhood home. At dusk, guests gather outside the house with children dressed as shepherds, angels and sometimes, Mary and Joseph. An angel leads the procession of “pilgrims,” followed by Mary and Joseph or by guests carrying their images. The adults follow, carrying lighted candles. Continue reading “Las Posadas reenacts journey of Mary and Joseph”

Thrivent CEO to speak at chapel

thriventBruce J. Nicholson, president and CEO of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, comes to Augsburg to speak about what it means to be an authentic person in today’s vulnerable financial world. Nicholson will speak at 10:20 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 16 in the Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center.

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans has more than 2.5 million members nationwide and $71.5 billion in assets under management (March 31, 2008). In 1990, Nicholson was appointed executive vice president and CFO of Lutheran Brotherhood (now Thrivent Financial) and, in 1997, he was named chief operating officer. Prior to joining Thrivent Financial, Nicholson was a principal with Tillinghast-Towers Perrin and was senior vice president for Ministers Life and Casualty Company. Continue reading “Thrivent CEO to speak at chapel”

Velkommen Jul ushers in Christmas season

velkommenAugsburg’s strong Norwegian heritage shows, especially during the holiday season. Once again, it is time for the traditional Scandinavian Velkommen Jul celebration hosted by the Augsburg Associates on Dec. 5, starting with Chapel service at 10:20 a.m. and moving to the Christensen Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Velkommen Jul is an annual Christmas celebration you don’t want to miss. The event will feature Scandinavian Yuletide music, tasty treats including krumkake and the ever-popular yet odious lutefisk, handcrafted items, Norwegian bunads, and a visit from St. Nicholas during chapel.

The Augsburg College Associates, who number around 100, are a service auxiliary of volunteers whose mission includes fundraising for special projects and scholarships in support of Augsburg College. In the nearly 20 years since their founding, the Associates have given to Augsburg more than a half million dollars from their fundraising. They host Velkommen Jul as a service to the Augsburg community and as a way to celebrate its Norwegian heritage.