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Las Posadas reenacts journey of Mary and Joseph

lasposadasOn Friday, Dec. 9, Augsburg will celebrate “Las Posadas” during chapel. All are welcome to attend this festive event.

Las Posadas is a procession reenacting the journey of Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem in their search for lodging (posada), awaiting the birth of baby Jesus. It is cultural tradition in many Spanish-speaking communities around the world.

According to an article on Mexican arts and culture, in traditional Las Posadas celebrations, a party is held each night for nine days in a neighborhood home. At dusk, guests gather outside the house with children dressed as shepherds, angels and sometimes, Mary and Joseph. An angel leads the procession of “pilgrims,” followed by Mary and Joseph or by guests carrying their images. The adults follow, carrying lighted candles. Continue reading “Las Posadas reenacts journey of Mary and Joseph”