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Convocation series continues with "Just Food"

convo_terryThe Augsburg College Convocation Series continues Friday, Oct. 31 with nationally recognized eco chef, author, and food justice activist, Bryant Terry. Terry’s lecture, “Just Food: Cooking as an Organizing Tool in the Food Justice Movement” will be held at 10 a.m. in the Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center.

For the past eight years Terry has worked to build a more just and sustainable food system and has used cooking as a tool to illuminate the intersections between poverty, structural racism, and food insecurity. He is currently a Food and Society Policy Fellow with the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.

Terry holds a BA with honors in English from Xavier University of Louisiana and an MA in History from New York University. He also graduated from the Chef’s Training Program at the Natural Gourmet Institute for Health and Culinary Arts in New York City. Continue reading “Convocation series continues with "Just Food"”

Rochester location holds first-ever convocation

roch_convoThis month, the Augsburg Rochester location will hold its first convocation featuring John M. Perkins, a minister, speaker, and teacher. His address, titled, “When the Foundation is Destroyed, What Can the Righteous Do?” will be given at Bethel Lutheran Church on Tuesday, May 20 at 7 p.m.

John M. Perkins is a sharecropper’s son who grew up in Mississippi amidst dire poverty. In 1960, after his conversion to Christianity, Perkins returned to his boyhood home to share the gospel of Christ and to work in the civil rights movement. Despite dropping out of school in the 3rd grade, Perkins received recognition for his work with seven honorary doctorates from Wheaton, Gordon, Huntington, Geneva, Spring Arbor, North Park and Belhaven colleges. He is an international speaker and teacher on racial reconciliation, leadership, and community development. Continue reading “Rochester location holds first-ever convocation”

Convocation celebrates Augsburg's ties to space

sverdrupOn Jan. 14, NASA’s Messenger spacecraft made its first flyby of the planet Mercury — the first by any Earth craft in over 30 years. Behind the scenes of this long-awaited return to Mercury, there was an Augsburg connection: Distinguished Alumnus Brian Anderson ’82 is the mission’s Magnetometer Instrument Scientist. One of the main goals of the Messenger mission is to understand the nature of that dense planet’s magnetic field.

Anderson’s participation in the exploration of Mercury is the latest product of Augsburg’s long tradition of space-science excellence. It began in 1970, when Augsburg alumnus Ken Erickson returned to Minneapolis to take up a joint appointment as an Associate Professor of Physics at Augsburg and as a

researcher in the space physics laboratory of Professor John Winckler of the

University of Minnesota. Since then, an increasing number of Augsburg physics students have participated each year in research projects with Augsburg faculty. Continue reading “Convocation celebrates Augsburg's ties to space”

Dr. Robin Lovin to speak in Convocation, seminars

lovinDr. Robin Lovin will present “Reinhold Niebuhr for the 21st Century: Christian

Realism and the New Realities” at the annual Batalden Seminar in Applied Ethics. The series of events, to be held, Feb. 28 – March 1, is part of the 2007-2008  Convocation Series “Many Voices Bold Vision.”

Dr. Robin Lovin is a Cary Maguire University professor of Ethics at Southern Methodist University. He joined the SMU faculty in July 1994 and served as dean of Perkins School of Theology from 1994-2002. From 1991-1994, Lovin was dean at the Theological School of Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. His teaching career includes service as an instructor at Candler School of Theology of Emory University and 13 years as a faculty member at the Divinity School of the University of Chicago. He is a graduate of Northwestern University (B.A.) and Harvard University (B.D. and Ph.D). He is an ordained minister of The United Methodist Church. Continue reading “Dr. Robin Lovin to speak in Convocation, seminars”

Dr. Ned Hallowell to speak at 2007-2008 Convocation Series

hallowellDr. Ned Hallowell, M.D. will make two presentations as part of the 2007-2008

Convocation Series “Many Voices Bold Vision.” His first presentation, “Worry,” will be held Friday, Feb. 15 at 3:30 p.m. “CrazyBusy,” the second of Hallowell’s presentations, will be held Saturday, Feb. 16 at Noon. Both events will be held in Hoversten Chapel in the Foss Center.

Edward (Ned) Hallowell, a child and adult psychiatrist and graduate of Harvard College and Tulane Medical School, is the founder of The Hallowell Center in Sudbury, Mass. He was a member of the Harvard Medical School faculty from 1983 until he retired from academics in 2004 to devote his full professional attention to his clinical practice, lectures, and the writing of books. He has authored 14 books on various psychological topics, including attention deficit disorder, the power of the human connection, the childhood roots of happiness in life, methods of forgiving others, dealing with worry, and managing excessive business. Continue reading “Dr. Ned Hallowell to speak at 2007-2008 Convocation Series”

Ekwueme Michael Thelwell to speak at the Martin Luther King Jr. Convocation Jan. 21, 2008

mlkThe 20th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Convocation will be held Jan. 21, 2008, at 1 p.m. in Hoversten Chapel. The convocation, entitled “Visions of a Just Society: Dr. King’s Legacy,” will feature guest Ekwueme Michael Thelwell, professor of African-American Studies at the University of Massachusetts.

Michael Thelwell was born in Ulster Spring, Jamaica in 1939. After graduating from Jamaica College, he went to work as a public relations assistant for the Jamaica Industrial Development Corporation in 1958. He moved to the United States in 1959 and received a B.A. from Howard University and an M.F.A. from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Thelwell has worked as director for the Students Non-violent Coordinating Committee in Washington D.C., where he also worked for the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (1964-65). He has been a professor in the African-American Studies department at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst since 1969. He is the author of two screenplays, several articles and a novel, “The Harder They Come.” Continue reading “Ekwueme Michael Thelwell to speak at the Martin Luther King Jr. Convocation Jan. 21, 2008”

Filmmaker to Speak at Next Convocation

bisanzPeter Bisanz will present “One: The Documentary” on Wednesday, Oct. 17 at 10 a.m. in the Hoversten Chapel. Bisanz marks the second in a series of Convocations called “Many Voices Bold Vision.” Bisanz will talk on the fundamental issues facing our world today, and how faith, religion, and spirituality can inspire peaceful and compassionate solutions.

Bisanz holds a BFA in Film and Television from New York University’s Tisch School of Arts and an MBA from Oxford and is one of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders. He is currently editing his ongoing production “One,” a feature length documentary, which focuses on the positive role of faith and spirituality in modern times by exploring the fundamental unity of the worlds’ religions.

All Convocation speeches are open and free to the public. For additional information on Peter Bisanz’s presentation, visit