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New Day student body president sworn in

studentbodypresOutgoing Day Student Body President Houa Lor [right] did the swearing in for new Day Student body President Patrick DuSchane [center] and new Day Student Body Vice President AuBrianna Weatherspoon [left]. Thanks to Houa and outgoing Vice President Erik Grindal.

Congratulations toAugsburg’s new 2012-2013 Day Student Government.

President: Patrick DuSchane

Vice President: AuBrianna Weatherspoon

Senior Class President: Daniela Bonilla Continue reading “New Day student body president sworn in”

Meet your student body presidents

student_presidentsAugsburg’s weekend and day student body presidents have a lot on their plates. In addition to taking classes and maintaining a personal life, they each have the added responsibility of representing hundreds of students.

Christine Smith is the weekend college student body president. She is a communication studies major from St. Paul. Houa Lor is the day college student body president. He’s a sociology major with a minor in political science, and he is also from St. Paul.

We talked with Christine and Houa about their responsibilities, challenges, and ideas. While their constituencies have some differences, it seems they also have a lot in common. And, perhaps not surprisingly, the presidents’ advice to the students they represent is very similar.

Congratulations and good luck to both Christine and Houa! Continue reading “Meet your student body presidents”

The Art of Learning

lor_convocationAt Tuesday’s opening convocation, Day student body president Houa Lor ’13 challenged students to practice three art forms—habits in the art of learning that can help students succeed. An excerpt from his speech follows:


Most of you have been reading for a long time now, but this first advice is not your typical magazine or newspaper read. I am referring to the reading that requires you to find the main point and supporting details in a particular passage. Sounds easy? Because it is. But for me, it was much more of a struggle than anything…. The difficulty was not comprehension, but rather the lack of focus that was put into it. It is easy to quickly read an assigned chapter, close the book and go do something else. I am sure this is familiar to some of you. Continue reading “The Art of Learning”

Leadership lessons in the Boundary Waters

survivalcampThis summer a group of Augsburg students spent a weekend in the Boundary Waters. While learning how to right a capsized canoe and how to navigate their way to shore without the benefit of paddles, the students also learned some valuable lessons about leadership.

Penh Lo, director of Pan-Asian student services at Augsburg, started the leadership survival camp last year as a way to give Augsburg student leaders a unique opportunity to discover nature and also to gain insight into their roles as leaders. Continue reading “Leadership lessons in the Boundary Waters”