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Media reacts to “Un-Minnesotan” newspaper ad

UnMinnesotan AdAugsburg College President Paul Pribbenow was one of the high-profile Minnesotans recently included on a full-page ad in the Minneapolis Star Tribune newspaper that denounced anti-Muslim bigotry as “un-Minnesotan.”

Others who added their support to the campaign include Gov. Mark Dayton, U.S. Sens. Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken, and the CEOs of prominent Minnesota businesses such as Best Buy, General Mills, and Cargill.

The ad was a joint effort between Democratic U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison and John Taft, CEO of RBC Wealth Management. It states that although Minnesotans, “may be a soft-spoken bunch, we know better than to be silent or still in the face of bigotry shown to Muslims. Our fellow Minnesotans.”

Several media outlets have reported on the ad, including:

KARE 11 airs interview with Olivia Maccoux ’18

Kare 11 - logoNBC affiliate KARE 11 recently aired an interview with Augsburg College student Olivia Maccoux ’18, who will undergo brain surgery this week — her 121st procedure. Maccoux suffers from a condition called hydrocephalus, which causes excess fluid to pool around her brain.

“I trust my neurosurgeon, obviously with my life,” she said. Maccoux went on to explain that the upcoming procedure will replace an infected shunt. Maccoux has made the Dean’s List every semester that she has attended Augsburg, an accomplishment she intends to repeat this semester despite the surgery.

“I am going to try to do classes from the hospital when I can Skype into classes,” she said.

Read and watch: Augsburg student prepares for her 121st brain surgery on the KARE 11 site.

Diana Pierce ’15 MAL to keynote Mentor Morning event

Screen Shot 2016-01-11 at 10.21.35 AMAugsburg College alumna and KARE 11 news anchor Diana Pierce ’15 MAL will deliver a keynote address at Mentor Morning, an event to introduce young women to some of central Minnesota’s most powerful women leaders. Mentor Morning includes general networking opportunities and Pierce’s speech, which will focus on the importance of finding and working with mentors.

Pierce recently completed her master’s degree in leadership at Augsburg and believes mentoring is key to help develop upcoming leaders, according to a recent St. Cloud Times story on Mentor Morning.

“You’re always going to be in a position of leadership or being lead,” Pierce said in the article. “So the more tools you have in your tool kit the better off you are.”

Read: Helping connect women with mentors on the St. Cloud Times website.

KARE 11 features Urban Debate’s Somali Debate Initiative

kareMinnesota’s first-ever Somali Debate Initiative got underway on May 27 when middle- and high-school students from Minneapolis and St. Paul schools discussed the topic of remittances to Somalia. The initiative, part of the College’s successful Minnesota Urban Debate League, was developed in partnership with members of the Somali community. Learn more about the program in the KARE 11 story, Augsburg hosts first debate tournament for Somali students, and that features MnUDL staff members Amy Cram-Helwich, executive director of MNUDL, Awale Osman ’15, community outreach intern, and students.

Augsburg garners attention on Give to the Max Day

President Pribbenow on KARE 11Augsburg College garnered media attention for its stellar achievement on Give to the Max Day 2014. The College raised about $434,000 and allowing the College to reach its goal of coming in first place among all Minnesota colleges and universities. Augsburg placed second overall among all Minnesota nonprofits. Learn about, read, and watch some of the news coverage below:

KARE 11: President Paul C. Pribbenow appeared on live television on the morning of November 13 to discuss with reporters the value of Give to the Max Day. He was accompanied by Auggie Eagle.

Star Tribune: “Minnesotans dig deeper than ever on Give to the Max Day

WCCO 4: “Minnesota Sets A Record On ‘Give To The Max’ Day

Augsburg draws media coverage as host of debate

Augsburg College and the League of Women Voters Minnesota hosted a Secretary of State debate on Oct. 28.

Candidates Bob Hellend, Bob Odden, Dan Severson, and Steve Simon faced off on such issues as voter identification and improved Secretary of State business services. Augsburg received several media mentions as the venue for the occasion.

To learn more on the debate, visit the following links:

  • MinnPost – The Secretary of State debate showed precisely why the race may be very close
  • MPR – Hear the Secretary of State debate
  • The Uptake – Video Replay: Final MN Secretary of State debate before election

Phil Adamo shares origins of Halloween on KARE 11

Phil Adamo on set with Diana Pierce at KARE 11Phil Adamo, associate professor of history and director of Medieval Studies at Augsburg College, was a guest on KARE 11 on Halloween to talk about the origins of the holiday. Adamo shared with Diana Pierce and viewers how Halloween started as a Celtic festival that celebrated the final harvest and eventually was incorporated into Christian traditions to lure non-Christians into the Church. He also discussed the origins of the bonfire, jack-o-lanterns, and Halloween candy.

Kuoth Wiel ’13 gains wealth of media coverage

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Augsburg College alumna Kuoth Wiel ’13, a star in the feature film “The Good Lie,” has garnered a plethora of media coverage. The film, which was released in Minnesota Oct. 17, has been well received and is generating Oscar buzz.  Augsburg has received several media mentions thanks to Wiel since she was a student at the College when she auditioned for the role.

The film brings to life a fictional yet strikingly accurate story of the ‘Lost Boys’ of Sudan. Born in a refugee camp in Ethiopia to Sudanese parents herself, it’s no surprise Wiel found it important to help tell this story. Being a part of the film “…validated all the struggles we had went through,” Wiel said in an MPR news interview.

Wiel has been traveling around the U.S. promoting the film since its September debut at the Toronto Film Festival. The film, along with Wiel and her cast mates, have been featured and covered by media outlets ranging from Minneapolis’ Star Tribune to Rolling Stone magazine.

Below is a list of some of the local and national media coverage on Wiel:

Jenni Lilledahl ’87 appears on KARE 11

kareAugsburg College alumna Jenni Lilledahl ’87 helped co-found Gilda’s Club Twin Cities, a new space where people living with cancer and their families can find social, emotional, and psychological support. Lilledahl serves as chair of the organization’s Board of Directors and also is the owner of Brave New Workshop, a Twin Cities-based comedy theater. Watch Lilledahl discuss Gilda’s Club on KARE 11 News.