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Delissa Hernandez ’14 discusses student debt with MPCC

Photo courtesy of MPCC

Delissa Hernandez ’14 was profiled in the Minnesota Private College Council newsletter in November.

Hernandez, who was the first of her family to enroll in college, was interviewed about the pros and cons associated with paying for a college education.

Although she received financial aid as a first generation student, she will have student debt after graduation. Hernandez said she isn’t worried about the debt as she believes the benefits of gaining a college education far outweigh the costs. “I already see how worth it this investment truly is,” she said.

Visit the Minnesota Private College Council site to read the article.

Veterans’ Lounge receives MPCC nod

Vets-Lounge-US-Bank-and-Augsburg-College-3-1024x680Augsburg’s new Veterans’ Lounge was featured in the Minnesota Private College Council newsletter in November.

The lounge, which opened recently as a gathering place for veterans on campus, has become a sanctuary–of sorts–for some student vets and offers a place to escape, relax, talk, and study.

To read the Veterans’ Lounge article, visit the Minnesota Private College Council site.

Learn more about the dedication of the lounge, which was made possible through contributions from U.S. Bank, on the Corporate, Foundation, and Government Relations blog.