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Auggie earns “Most Promising Young Poet” national honor

Donte Collins, Augsburg College studentDonte Collins ’18 was named the “Most Promising Young Poet” by the Academy of American Poets this fall. His poem, “what the dead know by heart,” previously won Augsburg’s John R. Mitchell Prize, which qualified him for the prestigious award.

Collins is a theater major who is active in the local, regional, and national spoken word and poetry scene.

Collins told Minnesota Public Radio that he plans to use his $1,000 prize from the award to self-publish his first collection of poetry, a chapbook called “autopsies.”

Augsburg launches MFA in creative writing

mfaAugsburg College celebrated its new Master of Fine Arts in creative writing with a reading by Stephan Clark from his newly published book Vladimir’s Mustache and Other Stories. Clark is an assistant professor of English and a member of the MFA faculty.

In 2013, the MFA will offer four genres: fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and screenwriting. A fifth genre, playwriting, will be added in 2014.  A national book prize and concentrations in publishing, teaching and translation will also begin that year.

“An Augsburg MFA leverages our distinguished faculty and the strength of our undergraduate programs while delivering things no other program in Minnesota or the surrounding states offers, including a book prize, a screenwriting track, and low-residency programming for all four of our genres,” said Augsburg College President Paul C. Pribbenow. “The program and its format show the ability of our school to meet marketplace demand and to use technology to increase accessibility and contain costs.” Continue reading “Augsburg launches MFA in creative writing”

Submit to Murphy Square by Feb. 3

murphysquareMurphy Square is a publication of the Augsburg community, a collection of short stories, essays, c, and visual arts created by students, faculty, and staff of the College. Below Augsburg College students and a professor of English share their thoughts about the importance of this .

You can submit to the 2012 edition of Murphy Square through Friday, Feb. 3. Email with your art or written work attached as a document. Your name should not be on the file. Put your name and the title of the work in the body of the email. Email with questions.

Pictured here is the Murphy Square editorial staff. Continue reading “Submit to Murphy Square by Feb. 3”

John Engman Writing Prize deadline Monday, Dec. 17

engmanThe submission deadline for the John Engman Writing Prize is Monday, Dec. 17.  The Engman Prize is a student literary competition sponsored by Murphy Square and the Augsburg English Department and is open to all undergraduate students.

Writers may enter the contest by submitting fiction, creative non-fiction, or poetry, but may win in only one category. Fiction and creative non-fiction submissions must be no longer than 15 pages. To enter the poetry competition, writers must submit at least three poems. (Poetry entries with fewer than three poems will not be considered.) Continue reading “John Engman Writing Prize deadline Monday, Dec. 17”