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Submit to Murphy Square by Feb. 3

murphysquareMurphy Square is a publication of the Augsburg community, a collection of short stories, essays, c, and visual arts created by students, faculty, and staff of the College. Below Augsburg College students and a professor of English share their thoughts about the importance of this .

You can submit to the 2012 edition of Murphy Square through Friday, Feb. 3. Email with your art or written work attached as a document. Your name should not be on the file. Put your name and the title of the work in the body of the email. Email with questions.

Pictured here is the Murphy Square editorial staff. Continue reading “Submit to Murphy Square by Feb. 3”

A writer finds hope at Augsburg

macdonald_templeJeffrey MacDonald says he came to Augsburg on a mission seeking hope.

The journalist and UCC minister was working on a book and heard that Augsburg College was an antidote to the problem he’d been exploring. His question is it possible to offer experiences in the religious marketplace that genuinely shape the heart and character of others?

Recently MacDonald returned to Augsburg, published book in hand, to talk about his work. Thieves in the Temple: The Christian Church and the Selling of the American Soul was released in spring 2010. Continue reading “A writer finds hope at Augsburg”

Grub that's good for you and the environment

food_classIt will be a meal planned with the environment in mind.

This semester, students in SBS 100: Environmental Connections have studied how food fits into both our socio-economic and ecological systems. This Wednesday, they will put that knowledge into action as the class members will serve a meal that they helped the A’viands staff prepare. The entire Augsburg community is invited to share this “grub” with the class. The menu was chosen based on how the food was produced and transported.

Some of the ingredients were grown on campus. Almost all of the items were produced locally. Special consideration was placed on supporting suppliers that use environmentally friendly practices and pay employees a fair wage. Continue reading “Grub that's good for you and the environment”