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Grab a bagel and go

einsteinsBy the time you read this article, you will likely have already noticed a somewhat significant change in Christensen Center. The coffee shop formerly known as Cooper’s has been replaced by what is sure to become an Augsburg favorite—Einstein Bros Bagels.

Last spring, Augsburg administration began asking students, faculty, and staff for their input on dining options on campus. They wanted more options and extended hours, particularly service for students attending class in the evenings and on the weekends. Continue reading “Grab a bagel and go”

Land O' Lakes President and CEO to speak about food and farming

policinskiWhen we look out our windows here at Augsburg to the freeways and Minneapolis skyline, it’s easy to forget that the agriculture and food business is one of the leading economic indicators for our state. Agriculture has always played a critically important role in Minnesota’s economy and culture—in many meaningful ways, Minnesota is still “farm country.”

Chris Policinski, President and CEO of Land O’Lakes, will speak to the Augsburg College about American agriculture and how it serves our country and the world. Policinski’s presentation is titled, “The Great Productivity Story of American Agriculture and Why It Must Continue.” The lecture will be held Thursday, April 1 at 5 p.m. in Kennedy Center, room 303. Continue reading “Land O' Lakes President and CEO to speak about food and farming”

iTerm gets attention

Tayo Johnson, a student in the Integrated Term, "Fate of the Earth 101," with other Augsburg students at the State Capitol, during the 350 Day of Action.
Tayo Johnson, a student in the Integrated Term, “Fate of the Earth 101,” with other Augsburg students at the State Capitol, during the 350 Day of Action.

What happens when you combine 50 first-year students, five professors, a gigantic problem, and no traditional grades? In the case of Augsburg’s Integrated Term, you get a pretty interesting story.

Here’s a quick primer on the iTerm.

For the students in the iTerm and the five faculty members teaching it—Phil Adamo, Lars Christiansen, Robert Cowgill, Lori Brandt Hale and Colin Irvine—this is their entire load of courses for the semester. The focus of the iTerm is on the Fate of the Earth: Food, Fuel and Consumption. Continue reading “iTerm gets attention”

Grub that's good for you and the environment

food_classIt will be a meal planned with the environment in mind.

This semester, students in SBS 100: Environmental Connections have studied how food fits into both our socio-economic and ecological systems. This Wednesday, they will put that knowledge into action as the class members will serve a meal that they helped the A’viands staff prepare. The entire Augsburg community is invited to share this “grub” with the class. The menu was chosen based on how the food was produced and transported.

Some of the ingredients were grown on campus. Almost all of the items were produced locally. Special consideration was placed on supporting suppliers that use environmentally friendly practices and pay employees a fair wage. Continue reading “Grub that's good for you and the environment”

Augsburg evaluates its dining services

diningIn response to student concerns about the quality of food service, Augsburg has formed a search committee to review the options for how our campus is fed on a daily basis. This committee will be made of students, faculty, and staff.

Their first duty will be to shape how Augsburg explains its food needs to potential vendors. This explanation to service providers will take the form of a Request for Proposal (RFP), a document that is typically the first step in alerting contractors of an institution’s demand for services. Interested vendors will reply to the RFP, and the committee will review their responses. Once the field has been narrowed, the committee will taste-test samples from providers, visit other campuses to compare services, and interview the finalists. Taking all this information into consideration, the committee will then choose the best candidate to provide food services for Augsburg. Continue reading “Augsburg evaluates its dining services”