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UIC students immersed in Minnesota culture

chinaThe 12 students visiting Augsburg from United International College in Zhuhai, China, find Americans friendly and polite, and believe they exercise more in a healthier environment than found in China. And baseball games, which aren’t found in China, have been exciting.

The students, ages 19-22, arrived in Minneapolis on July 2, just in time to meet American culture at a Fourth of July picnic on Nicollet Island, complete with hot dogs, potato salad, and fireworks. The students are enrolled in an Augsburg summer session course and are participating in a program on Minnesota history and culture. Before returning home on August 7, they will complete a project about Minnesota and Augsburg that they will present in China. Continue reading “UIC students immersed in Minnesota culture”

Update on the Pfaff's at UIC

pfaffs_update2Augsburg College health and physical education associate professor, Joyce Pfaff, and her husband, Doug, are teaching this semester at United International College in Zhuhai, China. Here’s an update from her blog.

Teaching at UIC — Nov. 19

I am about half way through my teaching experience at UIC and thought this might be a good time to tell everyone a little bit about teaching Chinese college students. For the most part I find my students at UIC very similar to my students at Augsburg. It took longer for us to get to know each other but the students in my 2 fitness classes are finally beginning to open up a bit and all of us are enjoying the classes more. Continue reading “Update on the Pfaff's at UIC”