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Washington Center application deadline Monday

twcAs was announced in December 2007, the Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars selected Augsburg as its partner for the Republican National Convention Seminar. The 2-week seminar will begin 1 week prior to the Convention, which will be held Sept. 1 – 4 at the Excel Energy Center in St. Paul. Augsburg will host 250 students from across the country who will interact with local and national politicians, journalists and others during the convention.

Spaces have been reserved for 20 Augsburg students (at a reduced rate) among the 250. To apply, do NOT use the Washington Center’s web site. Instead, fill out the application form available in the Dean’s Office (1st floor, Memorial Hall). Submit your completed application form to the Dean’s Office by Monday, Feb. 11 at 5 p.m. Continue reading “Washington Center application deadline Monday”

Augsburg to host student interns for Republican National Convention

twcBecause of Augsburg’s commitment to service learning, the Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars unanimously selected the college as its partner for a 2-week seminar that will run 1 week prior to and during the Republican National Convention, being held in the Twin Cities, Sept. 1 – 4, 2008. Augsburg will host 250 students from across the country who will interact with local and national politicians, journalists and others during the convention.

Twenty Augsburg students will be among those selected to participate in workshops, issue forums and, potentially, convention sessions, in addition to fieldwork assignments. Participants will be required to apply with their school’s approval and pay a fee, which Augsburg has agreed to subsidize. Continue reading “Augsburg to host student interns for Republican National Convention”