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Andy Aoki discusses international politics with WCCO-TV

AokiAndy Aoki, professor and department chair of political science at Augsburg College, recently spoke with WCCO-TV about the implications of Britain’s decision to leave the European Union, a move now referred to as “Brexit.”

Aoki noted that visitors to the United Kingdom may benefit from the devaluation of the pound, but Britain’s unexpected political move also had far-reaching negative effects on financial markets around the globe.

“If you’re going this summer, you’ve kind of hit the lottery because the pound doesn’t look to recover much in the near future,” Aoki told reporter Rachel Slavik.

Economic and immigration issues were in the spotlight as the British debated whether or not to pull out of the European Union, and Aoki also provided Slavik with background on how these issues are influencing the 2016 presidential campaign in the United States.

Watch, “UK’s ‘Brexit’ Decision Could Have Worldwide Impact” on the WCCO website.

Jeanne Boeh offers her take on Minnesota economy in Star Tribune article

Minneapolis Star Tribune - logoJeanne Boeh, professor of economics at Augsburg College, was one of several experts quoted in a recent Star Tribune article on the current state of Minnesota’s economy. She attributes Minnesota’s steady economy to its diversity, which makes it less dependent on agriculture than neighboring states.

“Because we’re a diversified economy, we will keep trudging along at a lukewarm pace and eventually the labor shortages will happen and employers will raise wage rates more in order to get good workers,” Boeh said. “I think we are OK.”


Jeanne Boeh discusses U.S. and Minnesota economics on Twin Cities radio stations

WCCO - logo MPR - logoThis month, Minnesota Public Radio and WCCO Radio sought input from Jeanne Boeh, professor of economics at Augsburg College, on the economic outlook for 2016. First she appeared on the “John Hines Show” to discuss the impact of a recent drop in the Chinese stock market on the U.S. economy.

Earlier this week, she joined Louis Johnston, a professor of economics at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University, on MPR’s “News with Kerri Miller and Tom Weber” for a conversation about U.S. and Minnesota economics in the new year. The professors discussed the apparent discrepancies between stock market losses coinciding with higher employment rates. Boeh points out that while the overall employment rates are rising, some groups, such as African-American Minnesotans, have seen employment rates drop.

Listen to the MPR interview here (.mp3.

Professor Jeanne Boeh shares expertise in Star Tribune

Minneapolis Star TribuneJeanne Boeh, economics professor at Augsburg College, was mentioned in an article in the Minneapolis Star Tribune about employee layoffs at Target headquarters in Minneapolis.

In light of the layoffs – a result of the closing of all Canadian Target stores – Boeh said there is hope for the close to 550 out-of-work employees.

“If you’re going to be laid off, now is a good time because jobs are picking back up,” she said.

To read the story, visit the Star Tribune news site.

Jeanne Boeh appears on TPT

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On April 18, Augsburg College professor of economics Jeanne Boeh joined Star Tribune business columnist Lee Schafer and American Public Media correspondent Chris Farrell in a business panel discussion on Almanac, a Twin Cities Public Television (TPT) program. On the public affairs show, the panel discussed local and national economic issues ranging from the housing market and social security to employee compensation and inflation. Watch the segment on the TPT website.

Three Travelers EDGE scholars to intern in summer

travelers_internsThree Travelers EDGE scholars from Augsburg—Simon Tekle, Ger Lao, and Dustina Granlund—will be completing internships at in the Travelers IT department this summer.

Travelers EDGE (Empowering Dreams for Graduation and Employment), seeks to increase the pipeline of underrepresented students to college, help them to graduate, and build awareness of careers in the insurance and financial services industry. This year was Augsburg’s second year as the recipient of a Travelers EDGE grant.

Travelers EDGE scholars are graduates of a high school in the St. Paul Public School District and full-time undergraduate students enrolled in the Day program at Augsburg. Continue reading “Three Travelers EDGE scholars to intern in summer”