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Three Travelers EDGE scholars to intern in summer

travelers_internsThree Travelers EDGE scholars from Augsburg—Simon Tekle, Ger Lao, and Dustina Granlund—will be completing internships at in the Travelers IT department this summer.

Travelers EDGE (Empowering Dreams for Graduation and Employment), seeks to increase the pipeline of underrepresented students to college, help them to graduate, and build awareness of careers in the insurance and financial services industry. This year was Augsburg’s second year as the recipient of a Travelers EDGE grant.

Travelers EDGE scholars are graduates of a high school in the St. Paul Public School District and full-time undergraduate students enrolled in the Day program at Augsburg. Continue reading “Three Travelers EDGE scholars to intern in summer”

St. Paul students gain pathways to education and the workplace

travelersAugsburg College has been selected for a second major gift by The Travelers Companies, Inc., for its Travelers EDGE program: Empowering Dreams for Graduation and Employment. This innovative partnership between Travelers and 10 colleges, universities, and college-readiness programs in St. Paul, Hartford (Conn.), and Baltimore targets areas where Travelers has significant operations and where public schools show low retention and graduation rates for low-income and first-generation students. Continue reading “St. Paul students gain pathways to education and the workplace”