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$10 million gift to Augsburg College will launch new academic building

Gift from 1965 Augsburg College alumnus is largest in College’s history

BOR 05_06_11.inddAugsburg College is honored to announce that it has received an unrestricted $10 million philanthropic gift from a 1965 alumnus.

The donor’s generous contribution will support a new academic building that will house a number of the College’s academic programs including biology, business, chemistry, computer science, math, physics, psychology, and religion.

“This tremendous gift will make possible our continued commitment to academic excellence, to the hands-on learning that is one of the hallmarks of the College, and to the continued best-use of our 23-acre campus,” said Augsburg College President Paul C. Pribbenow. “Augsburg is a 143-year-old anchor institution in the heart of Minneapolis’ Cedar-Riverside neighborhood. This gift puts Augsburg on the path of being a college for the 21st century, and one that continues to deliver academic excellence in the liberal arts and professional studies.” Continue reading “$10 million gift to Augsburg College will launch new academic building”

Three Travelers EDGE scholars to intern in summer

travelers_internsThree Travelers EDGE scholars from Augsburg—Simon Tekle, Ger Lao, and Dustina Granlund—will be completing internships at in the Travelers IT department this summer.

Travelers EDGE (Empowering Dreams for Graduation and Employment), seeks to increase the pipeline of underrepresented students to college, help them to graduate, and build awareness of careers in the insurance and financial services industry. This year was Augsburg’s second year as the recipient of a Travelers EDGE grant.

Travelers EDGE scholars are graduates of a high school in the St. Paul Public School District and full-time undergraduate students enrolled in the Day program at Augsburg. Continue reading “Three Travelers EDGE scholars to intern in summer”

Computer science students win big in the Black Hills

comp_sciLast weekend, five computer science students and three faculty took a road trip to Rapid City, SD. And no, they did not stop at Wall Drug.

They attended the Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium held April 17-18 at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. The team of senior Erik Johnson (right) and junior Eric Howe (left) won the programming competition and was awarded $250 for themselves and $250 for the department.

Augsburg entered two teams of programmers in the 28-team competition. Teams were given 3 hours to solve 9 problems using computer programs. They wrote code and submitted it to judges who then ran the code to see if it produced the correct output. The teams were evaluated first on how many problems they solved and then on the amount of time they used to complete the tasks. Continue reading “Computer science students win big in the Black Hills”