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$10 million gift to Augsburg College will launch new academic building

Gift from 1965 Augsburg College alumnus is largest in College’s history

BOR 05_06_11.inddAugsburg College is honored to announce that it has received an unrestricted $10 million philanthropic gift from a 1965 alumnus.

The donor’s generous contribution will support a new academic building that will house a number of the College’s academic programs including biology, business, chemistry, computer science, math, physics, psychology, and religion.

“This tremendous gift will make possible our continued commitment to academic excellence, to the hands-on learning that is one of the hallmarks of the College, and to the continued best-use of our 23-acre campus,” said Augsburg College President Paul C. Pribbenow. “Augsburg is a 143-year-old anchor institution in the heart of Minneapolis’ Cedar-Riverside neighborhood. This gift puts Augsburg on the path of being a college for the 21st century, and one that continues to deliver academic excellence in the liberal arts and professional studies.” Continue reading “$10 million gift to Augsburg College will launch new academic building”

$1 = $4 = $8 for the FoodLess FoodDrive

food_driveFood drives generally mean big, bulky barrels of cereal and macaroni and cheese. Donors pull some canned goods out of the back of their pantry, or they pick up a few extra items on their next trip to the grocery store.

But is that really the best way to help restock a food shelf? Maybe not.

Instead of cleaning out your kitchen cupboards, give the $20 you’d spend in a week on coffee and bagels to the FoodLess FoodDrive. The Augsburg College Thrivent Fellows are sponsoring the food drive in the month of March to provide three months worth of food for the Brian Coyle Community Center food shelf. Continue reading “$1 = $4 = $8 for the FoodLess FoodDrive”

Urban Scrubs camp comes to Augsburg

urban_scrubsThroughout the summer, the Augsburg campus is filled with campers. Sports camps, debate camps, and film camps. This week’s camp—the first Urban Scrubs Camp—is a little different because of the long-term workforce development potential for our Cedar-Riverside neighborhood.

Augsburg was one of the founding members of the Cedar-Riverside Partnership, a group made of the institutions in the neighborhood that are attempting to leverage their resources to make improvements to the area. Continue reading “Urban Scrubs camp comes to Augsburg”

Augsburg College receives national recognition for community service

honor_rollAt Augsburg, there is little question that Auggies give back to their community. In the 2008-09 school year, it was estimated that Augsburg students performed 67,000 hours of community service, most of which took place within a mile of campus.

That total is the equivalent of 2,791 24-hour days or 8,375 eight-hour work days, a staggering total for a college with 2,000 Day College undergraduates and 4,000 total students. Continue reading “Augsburg College receives national recognition for community service”

Knowing and serving our neighbors

juventinoThis summer Juventino Meza-Rodriguez has been getting to know Augsburg’s neighbors, and the neighborhood, on a much deeper level than some students usually do.

For his URGO research project, titled Augsburg College Maps and Papers, Meza-Rodriguez is exploring the relationship of the College to the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, examining the history, growth, and present relationships. His goal is to identify best practices for colleges and universities that seek to maintain mutually beneficial relationships with their surrounding communities.

Meza-Rodriguez initially sought to determine whether Augsburg really was serving its neighbors, particularly the immigrant communities in the Cedar-Riverside area. “I have been a critic of Augsburg in this area,” he said. Continue reading “Knowing and serving our neighbors”