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Memorial for Professor Don Steinmetz to be held February 4

steinmetzDon Steinmetz, a professor in the Languages and Cross-cultural Studies department, will be remembered by the Augsburg community during a memorial service that will be held February 4 at 4 p.m. in Foss Chapel.

Professor Steinmetz, who taught at Augsburg for 41 years, died of an apparent heart attack on Dec. 28. He was 71. His son, Erik Steinmetz, is a member of the faculty in Augsburg’s Computer Science department.

Don Steinmetz joined the faculty in 1968. He served as chair of the department and taught courses in German and Spanish. He also taught Chinese and linguistics within the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities consortium. Continue reading “Memorial for Professor Don Steinmetz to be held February 4”

Computer science students win big in the Black Hills

comp_sciLast weekend, five computer science students and three faculty took a road trip to Rapid City, SD. And no, they did not stop at Wall Drug.

They attended the Midwest Instruction and Computing Symposium held April 17-18 at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. The team of senior Erik Johnson (right) and junior Eric Howe (left) won the programming competition and was awarded $250 for themselves and $250 for the department.

Augsburg entered two teams of programmers in the 28-team competition. Teams were given 3 hours to solve 9 problems using computer programs. They wrote code and submitted it to judges who then ran the code to see if it produced the correct output. The teams were evaluated first on how many problems they solved and then on the amount of time they used to complete the tasks. Continue reading “Computer science students win big in the Black Hills”