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Minnesota students — We need you at the Capitol!

dayatcapitolEvery spring, the Minnesota Private College Council sponsors Day at the Capitol. It is an opportunity for students to meet with their legislators to advocate for the Minnesota State Grant program. This program provides critical support, helping make higher education possible for one out of three Minnesota college students from low- and middle-income families. The state invested $120 million in aid in the most recent academic year, helping more than 88,000 students.

Legislators need to hear from you about the importance the State Grant program to your education. Without those funds, what would you do? Tell them! Continue reading “Minnesota students — We need you at the Capitol!”

St. Paul students gain pathways to education and the workplace

travelersAugsburg College has been selected for a second major gift by The Travelers Companies, Inc., for its Travelers EDGE program: Empowering Dreams for Graduation and Employment. This innovative partnership between Travelers and 10 colleges, universities, and college-readiness programs in St. Paul, Hartford (Conn.), and Baltimore targets areas where Travelers has significant operations and where public schools show low retention and graduation rates for low-income and first-generation students. Continue reading “St. Paul students gain pathways to education and the workplace”

Tammy McGee named Vice President for Finance and Administration and CFO

mcgeeAugsburg College announced Tuesday that it has named Tammy McGee to serve as its Vice President for Finance and Administration and Chief Financial Officer.

McGee, who has a strong background in higher education, will assume a key leadership position at Augsburg. She will work on the college’s continued long-term financial planning, oversee facilities and human resources, and work with faculty and staff colleagues to assess new opportunities for program growth.

“I am thrilled that Tammy McGee will join Augsburg as our new Vice President for Finance and Administration and Chief Financial Officer,” Augsburg president Paul C. Pribbenow said. Continue reading “Tammy McGee named Vice President for Finance and Administration and CFO”

Creating a bridge — Admission Possible and Augsburg College

admission_possible It should come as no surprise that a school like Augsburg College, with its commitment to opening doors to first-generation and under-served students, would attract alumni of the Admission Possible program. Over the years, Admission Possible has provided a bridge — from St. Paul to Minneapolis — for many of Augsburg’s staff members, in particular those who have joined our admissions or student service teams after completing their service at Admission Possible. Recently, the bridge traffic flowed in the other direction when Ashley Booker (pictured left), a student in the Master of Arts in Education program at Augsburg, started a new job. Continue reading “Creating a bridge — Admission Possible and Augsburg College”