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Augsburg is welcoming

This week Augsburg College celebrates coming out week in connection with Coming Out For Equality Day on Oct. 11, an international event Ever to raise awareness of the LGBTQI community and rights movement.

Colors of the Week

To honor the tradition started during Stand Up Again Hate week last year, students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to wear similar colors every day during Augsburg Coming Out Week. The colors are:

* Red on Monday, October 10

* Orange on Tuesday, October 11

* Yellow on Wednesday, October 12

* Green on Thursday, October 13

* Blue, Purple, or Rainbow on Friday, October 14 Continue reading “Augsburg is welcoming”

Auggies aborad: Fia Goldfine in Germany

fia_germanyIn the months preceding my anxiously awaited departure to Bad Mergentheim, Germany I made a few personal preparations. About three months prior to leaving, I began learning the German language and reading all the books I could find on German history and tourist highlights that I wanted to be sure not to miss. Regardless, no amount of studying or research could have prepared me for the shock of landing in Frankfurt among a crowd of German speaking Deutschlanders. Soon after arriving, I took my first ride on the Bahn and made it to the scenic little town of Bad Mergentheim, in which I have spent the last two months studying. Continue reading “Auggies aborad: Fia Goldfine in Germany”

Augsburg hosts Minnesota OUT Campus Conference

MOCCLast weekend the Augsburg campus was host to students, staff, and faculty from area colleges and universities attending the Minnesota OUT! Campus Conference (MOCC). The conference, “A deeper look at race, economics, and immigration in GLBTQ communities,” is a project of the Minnesota Campus Alliance, a statewide coalition of students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members uniting for change on college and university campuses. Continue reading “Augsburg hosts Minnesota OUT Campus Conference”