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MAL colloquium highlights graduate research

mal_colloquiumThe annual Master of Arts in Leadership Colloquium presents an opportunity to learn about the research MAL students have conducted as part of the final requirement for their graduate studies program. The colloquium will be held Wednesday, June 6 at 5:30 p.m. in Oren Gateway Center.

The colloquium highlights different aspects of leadership from a variety of corporate and nonprofit settings. Students are encouraged to research topics which they themselves have faced in the workplace. A member of the Augsburg faculty advises each student’s project from the creation of the hypothesis to the final paper. Continue reading “MAL colloquium highlights graduate research”

Leadership students present research

colloquiumHow can corporate leaders optimize their conversation in the workplace? How does a leader’s behavior affect a subordinate’s commitment to their organization? How can communication efforts improve the satisfaction of part-time workers? These questions and others were topics of graduate student studies in the 14th annual colloquium in the Master of Arts in Leadership program at Augsburg College.

The colloquium serves as a showcase of student creativity, highlighting explorations of every angle of leadership. Students are encouraged to research topics they are passionate about and which they themselves have faced in the workplace. Continue reading “Leadership students present research”

Augsburg launches two new graduate offerings

gradprogramsThis summer and fall, Augsburg will introduce two new graduate program offerings: the Integrated Graduate Studies Master of Arts in Leadership and a graduate certificate in Social Entrepreneurship.

Though online education is certainly not a new concept, the higher education community has been somewhat reluctant to adopt the model. At Augsburg, this will change with the implementation of the integrated graduate studies Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL) program set to launch in August. Continue reading “Augsburg launches two new graduate offerings”