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Star Tribune talks with Auggies about new thrift store

Minneapolis Star TribuneMary-Laurel True, director of community engagement at Augsburg, spoke with the Star Tribune about Augsburg College’s involvement in the development of a thrift store founded and operated by young girls in the East African community. True was instrumental in helping the store get off the ground through her work with Augsburg MBA students who developed a business plan for the store founders. President Paul Pribbenow and Bruce Batten, director of the MBA program, were quoted in the story. Read “Minneapolis thrift store offers retail experience, grass-roots style.”

The journey of a sweater

sweater_storyOn any given day in the winter at Augsburg, especially around the Christmas holidays or during our annual Velkommen Jul celebration, one can be sure to spot a Norwegian sweater. The traditional Norwegian lusekofte (“lice jacket”), also called “setesdalgenser” (setesdal sweater), is a design that dates back to the early 18th century.

Augsburg’s Mary Laurel True of the Center for Democracy and Citizenship has a Norwegian sweater with an interesting history. She writes:

Several years ago I bought what I thought might be a Norwegian sweater at Savers second hand store so that I would have appropriate attire for the celebration of Velkommen Jul at Augsburg College. Continue reading “The journey of a sweater”

Auggies pitch in to help tornado victims

tornado_reliefOn the evening of Sunday, May 22, residents of the north metro were caught in the path of a tornado that took two lives, displaced residents, and caused more than $166 million in damage to the area.

On Monday, Brian Noy and Mary Laurel True of Augsburg’s Sabo Center for Citizenship and Learning sat down and started brainstorming about ways to help—because that is what Auggies do.

“Actually,” True said, “President Pribbenow called and asked what we were going to do for North Minneapolis.” The two decided to organize clean-up groups to go to the area Wednesday and Thursday afternoon (see details below). Continue reading “Auggies pitch in to help tornado victims”

Student sculpture featured in "Ana’s Playground"

anasplaygroundThey received fairly ambiguous instructions and a sketch showing stone slabs apparently hovering in the air. Their task: turn an artist’s vision into reality by creating a sculpture that would protect a young girl from a sniper’s shot.

This fall, the students in robert tom’s introduction to sculpture class worked to construct a fountain for the set of Ana’s Playground, a not-for-profit film about children in armed conflict. Written and directed by Eric D. Howell, “The film is intended to expose new audiences to the fact that children are being used as tools of war around the world.” (filmmakers blog) Continue reading “Student sculpture featured in "Ana’s Playground"”

Garden helps community grow

gardenThe soil has been spread and the plots marked. Soon, seasoned and novice gardeners, staff and faculty, and Cedar-Riverside neighbors will be digging and planting in Augsburg’s first community garden.

The idea of a campus garden started with a conversation between Abigail Crampton Pribbenow and Mary Laurel True, associate director of community service-learning, when the Pribbenows were on campus during the presidential interview process. Both women shared enthusiasm for a community garden based on the “Edible Schoolyard,” a project started at Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School in Berkeley, California. Continue reading “Garden helps community grow”