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Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder interviews Jennifer Jacobs on diversity in athletic administration

Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder - logoThe Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder recently interviewed Jennifer Jacobs, assistant athletic director at Augsburg College, for an article on the challenges present as colleges seek to increase the diversity of their coaching and administrative staff.

In the article, Jacobs discusses some of the steps higher education administration can take to create a pipeline for people of diverse backgrounds to enter leadership roles. She notes that it is important for institutions to encourage women to seize new opportunities and to promote candid conversations on difficult topics like race.

“[Schools] need to find and foster the female student athletes that would want to get into coaching, administration — you name it, all the way up to the presidential level,” Jacobs said.

Read Navigating through Minnesota Nice on the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder site.

Spokesman-Recorder covers LeVar Burton’s presentation at
Scholarship Weekend

Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder - logoThe Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder recently published an article covering LeVar Burton’s Scholarship Weekend presentation. Burton, known for his roles in “Roots,” “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” and as the host of “Reading Rainbow,” spoke about the importance of literacy and called for education that incorporates reading and art into technical fields.

“Education is the key to freedom,” said Burton. “No one can oppress you and no one can impose their point of view on you. I believe that literacy is the birthright of every single one of us on this planet, no exceptions.”

The Spokesman-Recorder article also notes that Burton cited his mother Erma Jean Christen, a dedicated reader, and Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry as inspirations. Burton stressed the importance of diverse representation in media, saying that Star Trek’s inclusion of Lt. Uhura, one of the first prominent African-descended characters in television, helped him see himself as part of the future.

Read LeVar Burton fires up Augsburg fans for literacy on the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder site.

Jennifer Jacobs and Rob Harper ’16 interviewed on diversity in college athletics

Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder - logoThe Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder recently included comments from Jennifer Jacobs, assistant athletic director at Augsburg College, and student athlete Rob Harper ’16 in an article on the struggle to increase the diversity of coaching and administrative staff at NCAA schools. The article is a response to pro-diversity resolutions passed at the league’s annual conference last month.

In the article, Jacobs acknowledged that the drive for inclusion and diversity must start at the top. “Athletic directors and assistant athletic directors can’t feel empowered unless it comes from the presidents,” she said.

Jacobs added that “…people in general will hire people that look like them. The only way to counteract that is [that] you have to be intentional in your hiring practice.”

Harper, a sociology major and member of the Student Athlete Advisory Council, discussed his experience attending the conference and interest in observing the league’s voting process.

Read Moving from talk to action on diversity and inclusion on the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder site.