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Advisory: Hennepin County Library’s Nobel Peace Prize Forum book club fosters dialogue across differences

(MINNEAPOLIS) — Members of the public have a unique opportunity to build knowledge and understanding of issues that have and continue to shape our world through a book club that is offered in partnership by the Hennepin County Library and Nobel Peace Prize Forum. Participants will explore the stories and writings of leading authors and public figures this summer, in advance of the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize Forum slated for September 15-16 at Augsburg College.

Nobel Peace Prize Forum - Inspiring Peacemaking
Hennepin County Library

“Engaged citizens who participate in the NPPF Book Club will gain considerate understanding of some issues and topics we will dig into at the Forum this September,” said Joe Underhill, program director of the NPPF. “In times of great flux and ongoing violence, developing dialogue across differences and compassion for our global neighbors is a key to building the understanding that leads to peacemaking.”

“We are honored to partner with such a venerable institution as the NPPF to offer this opportunity for our community,” said Stephanie Steinwedel, program and events manager for Hennepin County Library. “At a time when our world feels increasingly divided, bringing community members together to discuss ways we can  strengthen the ties that bind us feels more important than ever.”


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Nobel Peace Prize Forum garners range of media attention

2015 NPPFThe Nobel Peace Prize Forum garnered a range of media coverage before and after the event. Some of the coverage is documented below.

March 14

  • Minneapolis Star Tribune: Nobel Forum explores challenges facing business by Neal St. Anthony

March 7

  • Associated Press: Former Vice President Mondale hospitalized with flu at Mayo Clinic
  • KARE 11: Flu keeps Mondale from Jimmy Carter speech
  • WRCB Chattanooga: Jimmy Carter confirms at Peace Prize Forum Vice President hospitalized
U.S. President Jimmy Carter, an honored Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, spoke at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum on March 6.
U.S. President Jimmy Carter, an honored Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, spoke at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum on March 6.

March 6

  • Business Insider: Former Vice President Mondale hospitalized with flu
  • KARE 11: Former President Carter in Minnesota to talk peace, women’s rights by Jana Shortal
  • KMSP/Fox 9: Former President Jimmy Carter in Minneapolis for Nobel Peace Prize Forum
  • Minnesota Public Radio:
    • Enemies to peacemakers – Nigerian pastor and imam discuss faith with Tom Crann
    • President Jimmy Carter: There’s a lack of peacemakers among world leaders with Tom Crann
  • Minneapolis Star Tribune: At age 90, Jimmy Carter working on memoir to be published in July
  • Pierce County Herald: Minnesota News Round-Up includes Nobel Peace Prize Forum
  • Pioneer Press: Carter confirms at Forum Mondale hospitalized
  • WCCO
    • Former President Jimmy Carter speaks on women, human rights at Nobel Peace Prize Forum by Pat Kessler
    • 4 things to know: Jimmy Carter visit, Harrison Ford’s crash landing, and more
    • Jimmy Carter Flies into Minneapolis, greets passengers on plane

March 5

Bring Me the News: Former President Jimmy Carter to speak at Nobel Prize event in Minneapolis

March 2

  • Minnesota Public Radio: A Higgs boson dress? ‘Nobel Creations’ honors laureates through fashion by Marianne Combs

JennaFebruary 27

  • Star Tribune: Amid world turbulence, a #peaceitforward campaign by John Rash

February 25

  • MinnPost: Pamela Espeland’s Artscape round up includes briefs about the Nobel Peace Prize Forum as well as Nobel Creations at the American Swedish Institute

February 19

  • Grand Forks Herald: Former teacher shares harrowing tale of growing up in Nazi Germany by Jennifer Johnson

U.S. President Jimmy Carter talks with MPR before presentation to sold-out crowd at Nobel Peace Prize Forum

U.S. President Jimmy Carter, an honored Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, spoke at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum on March 6.
U.S. President Jimmy Carter, an honored Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, spoke at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum on March 6.

U.S. President Jimmy Carter, who was an honored Laureate featured at the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize Forum, spoke with Minnesota Public Radio prior to his presentation to a sold-out crowd of 650 delegates to the Forum. Carter spoke with MPR’s Tom Crann about the lack of world leaders who are peacemakers. “We don’t have a global champion of peace like Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King Jr. or Mahatma Gandhi now,” he told Crann. “None of the government leaders who represent the five permanent members of the UN Security Council are notable for promoting peace.” Listen to “President Jimmy Carter: There’s a lack of peacemakers among world leaders.”

Imam, Pastor share story about transition from enemies to friends

Rev. Mark Hanson, left, moderates a panel at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum with Imam Muhammad Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye.
Rev. Mark Hanson, left, moderates a panel at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum with Imam Muhammad Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye.

Minnesota Public Radio last week interviewed Imam Muhammad Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye about their journey from mortal enemies to dear friends. The two men, each who headed religious militia in Nigeria, shared their story of reconciliation and forgiveness at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum. “The same energy that we use to promote division we are using it now constructively,” Wuye said in the interview with MPR’s Tom Crann. Listen to the interview, “Enemies to Peacemakers.”

Join #peaceitforward campaign, tell world how you build peace

Participate in Feb. 24 photo shoot to tell the world how you foster peace building

JennaJoin the Nobel Peace Prize Forum #peaceitforward campaign to tell the world how you build peace.

You’ll become part of an international video and social media campaign in partnership with the internationally renowned Robert Fogarty of, a portrait project that unites people through pictures, to raise awareness and grow involvement in peacemaking. In addition the video will be shown to an international audience at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum being held from March 6-8 in Minneapolis.

To become part of the campaign, simply stop by Augsburg College to have your photo taken. Be ready to answer the question of how you build peace and how you make a difference. Maybe you serve meals to the hungry, mentor children or serve on a nonprofit community board. Perhaps you work as part of a restorative justice program, are in a Rotary group that conducts projects across the globe, or help out an elderly neighbor. Peace building takes on many forms, small and large, and we want to capture what you do that makes a difference in your community, your state, our world.

A photographer will take a professional-quality, digital photo and a photo with your cell phone that you can post to social media. It’s your chance to tell the world why peace matters.

Who: Public

When: 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 24

Where: Augsburg College’s Oren Gateway Center lobby, 610 22nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55454

Continue reading “Join #peaceitforward campaign, tell world how you build peace”

Peace Prize Forum garners range of media attention

NPPFThe 26th Annual Nobel Peace Prize Forum held March 1 and March 7-9 garnered a wide range of media attention throughout the conference. Here are highlights of stories that appeared in traditional and social media about the Forum and its programming. Continue reading “Peace Prize Forum garners range of media attention”

Peace Prize Forum keynoter, Ian Bremmer, talks with MPR

MPRLogoThe founder of Eurasia Group, a global political risk assessment company, spoke with MPR about the unfolding situation in Ukraine prior to his presentation at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum. Ian Bremmer described on “The Daily Circuit” the upheaval in Ukraine as “the most seismic geopolitical events since 9/11.”

President of Doctors Without Borders talks with MPR

MPRLogoDr. Deane Marchbein, the president of the board of Doctors Without Borders (Medicins Sans Frontieres), spoke prior to her keynote speech at the 26th Annual Nobel Peace Prize Forum with Tom Crann of MPR‘s All Things Considered. Marchbein, a medical doctor based out of Boston, talked of the work of the organization to deliver direct medical support to persons in need. Read an overview of the interview here.

Star Tribune writes about high-tech nature of Peace Prize Forum

Minneapolis Star TribuneMaureen Reed, executive director of the Nobel Peace Prize Forum, spoke with the Star Tribune about the work of the Forum to bring Peace Prize Winners to the doorstep of Minnesotans. In addition, the story explored how the Forum has a global reach through the use of livestreaming technology that during 2014 brought in virtual attendees from nearly 45 countries. Read “Nobel Peace Prize Forum brings laureates, high-tech.”

Tenzin Yeshi Paichang ’16 plays unique role for Dalai Lama

PioneerPressWhen he was two years old, Augsburg student Tenzin Yeshi Paichang ’16 was cast as His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in Martin Scorcese’s movie “Kundun.” This past weekend, Paichang added a new role to his resume — that of His Holiness’s student attache at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum. Paichang’s experiences were featured by the Pioneer Press in, “Dalai Lama’s visit will be third juncture for Augsburg student” and by WCCO television in the story, “Dalai Lama Visits Minneapolis For Nobel Peace Prize Forum, Tibetan New Year.”