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Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder recaps Augsburg College’s MLK Convocation

Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder - logoThe Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder recently published an article and photo gallery covering Augsburg College’s 2016 Martin Luther King Jr. Convocation, which was held January 18 and featured a speech by legendary rapper and author Chuck D.

The event began with performances by a number of local artists, much to the delight of the keynote speaker. The article states that, “His excitement was noticeable as he jumped to his feet and snapped photos of the acts smiling from ear to ear.”

The article also included interviews with Augsburg students Erickson Saye ’16, Robert Harper ’16, and Reis Francisco Romero ’16. Romero was instrumental in organizing the event; he is the president of Augsburg College’s chapter of Save the Kids, a student group that co-sponsored this year’s convocation.

“It’s going to take me a while to conceptualize everything. I’m glad we did it, I’m glad it’s over, but now the real work starts,” Romero said of the event. “We have to work together to end this miserable condition on this earth.”

Read and view: PHOTOS | Rapper Chuck D refocused MLK Day from past to present on the Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder site.

Teamwork leads to equivalent of 47 trips around Earth

HealthChallengeIt’s hard to imagine walking around the globe, let alone doing that 47 times in only six weeks. But that’s just how much participants exercised last year as part of the statewide BizicallyFit 2012 Health Challenge.

Last year, nearly 150 Auggies took part in the challenge and won, for a second time, a good-natured competition against St. Thomas.

Please join your Auggie faculty and staff colleagues as they take on the Tommies for a third year. This year might be shaping up to be a bigger challenge, though, since the Tommies already have more than 150 people on their teams. Continue reading “Teamwork leads to equivalent of 47 trips around Earth”

Theater department takes on the challenges of Suzan-Lori Parks’ 365 Days/365 Plays

365theaterBy Wendi Wheeler ’06

Imagine writing one play every day for a year. Also imagine the challenges presented to 14 actors each playing several roles in 54 plays presented in one evening. That is the task of the cast of Suzan-Lori Parks’ 365 Days/365 Plays, directed by Augsburg theater professor Martha Johnson.

In the fall of 2002, Pulitzer-prize winning playwright Suzan-Lori Parks decided to take on the challenge of writing one play a day for a full year. 365 Days/365 Plays is the successful result, featuring 365 short plays exploring such divergent topics as sex, war, fairy tales, Indian mythology, American historical figures, love, politics, race, contemporary celebrities—and numerous other issues from American life. Continue reading “Theater department takes on the challenges of Suzan-Lori Parks’ 365 Days/365 Plays”